(no subject)

Oct 02, 2006 15:19

1) Who would make a better college professor: 6, or 11?
Probably Chatthak (6) as he is the more intellectual (if the students could get past the big bug as a teacher).  Plus I have always wanted telepathic powers to help understand students.  Of course Rolf (11) would be a good professor on guns…big guns…to put on his big mech.

2) Do you think 2 is hot? How hot?
 Um…no.  He traded his humanity (half-elvity?) to a few demons in order to get some nifty powers…and so no eyes…rotting skin….oh yeah and a lizard tail.

3) 12 sends 8 on a mission. What is it, and does it succeed?
Hrm…interesting. We have a good, sweet, water/air Elementalist sending an evil, fire mage on a mission.  I think the minute she tries to…fireball.

4) What is, or would be, 9's favorite book?
 Not sure of the title…but let us say it would be less than wholesome literature.

5) Would it make more sense for 2 to swear fealty to 6, or the other way around?
 That would be interesting.  Chatthak (6) might be persuaded to swear to Melior (2)…but even then, Melior would probably just kill him and reanimate him as an undead.

6) For some reason, 5 is looking for a room-mate. Should they share a studio apartment with 9, or 10?
Durn (10) definitely.  As long as she didn’t mind the giant beetle that took up most of the space.  If Kilanda and Vlad would be in the same room…Vlad would not make it out alive.

7) 2, 7, and 12 have dinner together. Where do they go, and what do they discuss?
Oh…dang.  Melior (2, NE necromancer) and Leonric (7, LG cleric) I am pretty sure wouldn’t be in the same room with each other.  If they were…one would be dead (or undead) upon leaving.  IF they did meet for some reason and were able to keep the peace (maybe with the help of Ernyara), Leonric would be eating something vegetarian, Melior would not be eating and glowering in the corner and Ernyara would be trying to make pleasant conversation with both…about the weather as that would be the safest topic.

8) 3 challenges 10 to a duel. What happens?
Spawn of Vader [3](the reborn essence of the evil that was in Anakin) would make Beetle-juice out of Durn [10](that was soooooo bad I had to use it).

9) If 1 stole 8's most precious possession, how would they get it back?
While Kranelandor (1) isn’t much for stealing, I am sure Dromthon (8) would loose his mind (he is not that closely tied to sanity anyway) and come-a-fire-blasting at Kranelandor…until he was unceremoniously dumped into the elemental plane of water.

10) Suggest a title for a story in which 7 and 12 both attain what they most desire.
 To Touch the Face of Heaven…of course they would be pretty happy with each other as well.

11) What kind of plot device would you use if you wanted 4 and 1 to work together?
 As Kranelandor (1) lives for jumping between planes and dimensions, all he would have to do is show up on Earth 616 and the Dawnstars (sg that Ineluki belongs to) would probably sense the disturbance and come to investigate.  From the point that they realize that Kranelandor was good…I think they would easily work together.

12) If 7 visited you for the weekend, how would you get along?
 He is a little stuffy (militaristic, dogmatic, rigid, etc.), so I am not sure if he would condone my “laid-back” lifestyle.

13) If you could command 3 to perform any one task or service for you, what would it be?
 I want a Star Destroyer, and instructions on how to use it.

14) Does anyone on your friends list resemble 11 (either in appearance or personality)?
 A giant, bipedal, shaved cat with neural ports in his head…I hope not (he has to shave in order for the neural connections between he and his armor to work correctly).  Personality wise though he was very similar to a friend in high school, who unfortunately is not longer with us.  But then I think Rolf’s life was measured in seconds as well.

15) If 2 had to choose sides between 4 and 5, which would it be?
Melior would definitely choose Kilanda (5) as he can always use the services of a good assassin.

16) What might 10 shout while charging into battle?
“ I said forward you stupid beetle!”

17) If you chose a song to represent 8, which song would you choose?

18) 1, 6, and 12 are having dim sum at a Chinese restaurant. There is only one scallion pancake left, and they all reach for it at the same time. Who gets to eat it?
Ernyara (12) would get it as Kranelandor (1) has impeccable manners, and Chatthak (6) doesn’t have to eat very frequently.

19) What might be a good pick-up line for 2 to use on 10?
Arise…. (post negative energy blasting of course).

20) What would 5 most likely be arrested for?
 The list is sooooooooooo damn long.  But probably because she crashed a commuter jet bound for the Caribbean into the Atlantic and then blew up the rescue boats with a rocket launcher.

21) What is 6's secret?
 The true nature of his “work”.

22) If 11 and 9 were racing to a destination, who would get there first?
Rolf (11) would win hands down.  (fast nekkid kitty)

23) If you had to walk home through a bad neighborhood late at night, would you feel safer in the company of 7 or 8?
Leonric (7) as he could make all the dark creepy things go away.  Dromthon (8) is one of the reasons the neighborhood is bad.

24) 1 and 9 reluctantly team up to save the world from the threat posed by 4's sinister secret organization. 11 volunteers to help them, but it is later discovered that he/she is actually a spy for 4. Meanwhile, 4 has kidnapped 12 in an attempt to force their surrender. Following the wise advice of 5, they seek out 3, who gives them what they need to complete their quest. What title would you give this fic?

Kranelandor (1) and Vlad (9) reluctantly team up to save the world from the threat posed by Ineluki’s sinister secret organization (happening after Ineluki reads the mind of SoV [3] and becomes evil).  Rolf (11) volunteers to help them, but it is later discovered that he is actually a spy for Ineluki.  Meanwhile, Ineluki has kidnapped Ernyara (12) in an attempt to force their surrender.  Following the wise advice of Kilanda (5), they seek out SoV (3) who gives them a Sith Holocron that described how to beat Ineluki’s mind control. Of course the sequels would then focus on Kranelandor (and friends) hunting down and destroying the evil that is SoV…because stuff like that can’t be allowed to walk…uh…float around.

Title: Dang…I don’t know.  Circle of Madness…?


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