Apologies for the delay.
Stamina (written for Ainan Sosostren, Changing Moon Lunar Exalt, played by
Miraculous Protean Renewal
Cost: 10 motes, 1WP, 1 health level
Duration: Scene
Type: Simple
Tags: Shapeshift*, Obvious, Combo-OK
Minimum Stamina: 5
Minimum Essence: 4
Prerequisites: Waxing Moon Regeneration (a Charm by
Though a Lunar shapechanger may take many forms, one of their greatest strengths is that their shape is always their own to determine. With this Charm, a Chosen of Luna extends this principle to the gashes and broken bones suffered in combat, charging his body with Luna's ever-shifting Essence and restoring almost instantly the damage that opponents wreak upon his flesh. For the next scene, the Exalt may roll his Stamina whenever he suffers health levels of damage; successes are subtracted from the damage taken. This may reduce such damage to zero.
Flawless Guardian Method
Cost: 15 motes, 1WP
Type: Reflexive
Duration: Scene
Tags: Obvious, Combo-OK
Minimum Dexterity: 5
Minimum Essence: 5
Prerequisites: Pack-Saving Method, Flowing Body Evasion
Tireless and ever-vigilant, the Lunar stands between his foes and a being under his protection. When activating this Charm, the Exalt chooses an ally that he can see. For the remainder of the scene, when using Pack-Saving Method or any combo involving Pack-Saving Method on behalf of that ally, any Charms used are reflexive and cost 0 speed unless their effects specifically preclude this. Further, the affected Charms do not count towards the limit of one Charm per action, and their costs are discounted by the ally's permanent Essence. Packs of Lunars who know this Charm commonly form an interlinked web of defenses, and few opponents are more feared on the borders of Creation. Only one target may be protected by this Charm at one time.
Intelligence (written for amusement's sake)
Protean Sapphire Understanding
Cost: Special (See Text)
Type: Permanent
Tags: None
Duration: None
Minimum Intelligence: 5
Minimum Essence: 4
Prerequisite Charms: Celestial Circle Sorcery
The Lunar Exalted are masters of transformation, but this specialty does not only apply to their physical bodies. With this Charm, a Lunar Exalt can reshape the shattered remains of a spell, twisting the ravaged Essence structure to suit her needs. When a spell the Chosen is casting is countered by any means, she may spend a point of Willpower and roll her Intelligence+Sorcery at a difficulty of the Essence of the being who countered the spell. If the spell was not countered by an appropriate counterspell, she adds her Essence in automatic successes to this roll; this Charm is ineffective if the spell was extinguished by a higher-level counterspell (Adamant Countermagic against a Sapphire spell, for example.)
If the Exalt succeeds, she may immediately begin casting another spell without paying its Essence or Willpower cost, beginning a new Shape Sorcery action immediately. The spell in question may cost no more motes than the spell that was countered and must be of an equal or lower Circle; the Exalt may not recast the same spell using the effects of this Charm. The round in which Protean Sapphire Understanding was activated counts toward the spell's casting time. This Charm manifests spectacularly, as the shattered fragments of sorcerous Essence burn brilliantly silver, and congeal into the new spell-form.
*Shapeshift is a new tag, based on anticipation of MoEP: Lunar. As of this writing it has no effect, but other Charms may key off it in the future.