Poem: "Daffodil Season"

Mar 31, 2024 22:37

This poem is spillover from the March 19, 2024 Bonus Fishbowl. It was inspired and sponsored by Anthony Barrette. It also fills the "scenery" square in my 8-1-23 card for the New Adventures Bingo fest.

"Daffodil Season"

Spring comes in
with a brisk wind and
the bang of a screen door.

It's daffodil season,
their sunshine petals
ruffled like a hippie skirt.

They fill the hills and valleys
of the yard with happiness,
essential to spring scenery.

Blossoms nod and bob
in the warming breeze.

Honeybees hum and buzz
from one cup to another.

I remember Mom wandering
down the rows, snipping flowers
with the garden scissors (not
the good scissors) to pile
in the market basket and
fill a vase for the kitchen.

Yellow and white and
salmon-pink are the colors,
large trumpets, smaller cups,
flattened ones like butterfly wings,
balls of petals crumpled like tissue,
all the shades and shapes of daffodils

crammed haphazardly in a vase
like Van Gogh's sunflowers.

* * *


Daffodils come in a great diversity of colors and styles. They are among the earlier flowers to bloom in spring.

The Sunflowers Series by Vincent Van Gogh is a set of still life paintings that show different shapes of sunflowers. Learn how to paint a floral still life.

gardening, reading, writing, family skills, fishbowl, poetry, cyberfunded creativity, poem, nature, weblit

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