Poem: "Dealing with Historical Events and Characters"

Feb 26, 2024 01:19

This poem is spillover from the April 4, 2023 Poetry Fishbowl. It was inspired by prompts from ng_moonmoth and DW user See_also_friend.  It also fills the "Damsel / Gentleman in Distress" square in my 4-1-23 card for the Gothic Bingo fest.  This poem belongs to the Iron Horses thread of the Polychrome Heroics series ( Read more... )

history, fantasy, reading, writing, fishbowl, poetry, cyberfunded creativity, poem, weblit

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Comments 2

Judd zianuray July 5 2024, 18:39:45 UTC

I adore how so many people at this event just "Hello, Horse" and never even blink. And realize he is a person.


Re: Judd ysabetwordsmith July 6 2024, 10:10:41 UTC
In Terramagne, most people know that animal soups exist, even if they haven't met one. Often, there's a moment of surprise, then they remember this is possible, and they adapt. Or in the case of the Seminole fellow, they already have a cultural script that tells them how to handle such a situation. I do like showing that people think of Judd as a person, even if they didn't expect to meet an equine person.


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