2022 Holiday Poetry Sale

Dec 19, 2022 21:12

A silver lantern glazed with cobalt glass panes sends a flickering blue light over the snow...

Welcome to the 2022 Holiday Poetry Sale! From Monday, December 19 through Friday, December 23, my remaining fishbowl poems from 2022 are half price. So are poems from the Creative Jam and other activities. Especially check out the epics; they range from $16 to $276.50, so if you've been yearning for an epic of your very own, now's the time! Furthermore, there is only one epic in microfunding at the moment, so you may open another one, and open epics are locked at their initial price. For those of you with just a few dollars to spend, we're starting with one poem at $2.50 and one at $5. Thumbnail descriptions of the individual poems appear in the first section which is listed by storyline. The second section lists poems by price.

Linkback perk: The following poems have verses left to reveal. Boost the signal for this half-price sale and tell me which poem you want to extend.
" Let the Children Lead Us,"
" Autumn's Palette,"
" Pumpkin Spice Prosperity,"
" Delight in Another,"
" A Sense of Weather Changes,"
" Ouroboros Insects,"
" The Loving Embrace of Night,"
" Generations of Cooks Past,"
" Begin to Understand Ourselves,"
" Homefree and Clear, "
" One Bite at a Time,"
" Stars and Diamonds,"
" Mishpocha,"
" There's an Art to It,"
" The Glass Cat."

About characters and storylines: The storylines feature multiple characters, so if you want poems about ONE specific character, look closely. The thumbnail descriptions here give some indication who features in each poem. The storyline pages are adding precise, complete information about which characters appear in each poem. If you need more than what's already visible, you can ask me.
About timing: If you want maximum choice, shop early. Sometimes people who like a particular character or size of poem will stock up, and that kind may sell out.

Fair warning: Math is not my forte, and this event includes a lot of numbers. So don't be surprised if I scramble something. Just tell me, and I'll fix it as best I can.

Before placing your order, please check this sale page to see what is still unsold! I will try to update the page as things sell, and it's likely to be the case that some poems will be marked SOLD before appearing in posts. People often buy things in batches, which means that selling gets ahead of posting. Also sometimes people ask for the same thing at the same time, so that not all overlaps are preventable. If you have alternate instructions in case you request something that has just sold, it is extremely helpful, so please include that in your message. Otherwise I'll have to send you an email or private message and ask what you want to do.

Quarter-price Sale: If you spend $100 or more in this sale, you can cut the SALE price in half, buying poems at quarter-price instead of half-price. So for instance, a poem originally $20 would be $10 in the half-price sale and $5 in the quarter-price version. Yes, we can afford that; there is a huge heap of poems here, and the quarter-price option is proving quite popular in the big sales. That size of donation also makes you a k-fan which comes with some other perks, like a year-end collection of a poetic series. If several folks want to bundle their orders to make the $100 threshold and have one person send it all, that's okay; you'll get the discount and I'll list all your names as donors, but you'll have to decide amongst you who gets the k-fan credit.

Pools: A poetry pool is an open call for cosponsors to fund a poem or set of poems. It takes a minimum donation of $100 to open a pool. That first sponsor gets to stipulate which poem(s) the pool will be funding. (You can discuss desired poems with other fans if you wish.) Other people may then chip in as they wish. To open a pool, make a comment about it under the sale post, but run the pool in your own blog, then send me the results.  Please close the pool by Friday morning so participants have time to send in their donations to the pool before the sale closes.  Advantages: You get the quarter-price rate and people really egg each other on for more donations. Disadvantages: Subsequent sponsors get less free choice than if you were choosing on your own. Matching is allowed: for example, a donor puts up $100 and will match up to another $100 from other people, so the total will range between $100-200.

Holiday Gifts: If you want to buy a poem as a gift for someone, let me know; I can dedicate it to anyone you wish, with or without naming you as the giver. Both the giver and the recipient count as donors for the purpose of perks such as nonexclusive reprint rights. That means if you buy a poem for someone else, you can post it on your blog or website for them, or they can post it on theirs, in addition to it appearing here.

Shopping: Here is a PayPal button for your convenience, or you may contact me for other payment options. (I'm just offering prewritten poetry this time, not scrapbook pages this late in the season.) Please specify which poem(s) you want and the SALE price.

Some of the poems are in sequence of related action, so in places there are prerequisites before a poem can be published. They can be sponsored at any time, just might have to wait for publication until something else gets posted first. Those are marked accordingly. I have also listed those poems in their sequential sets.

Poems that unlock sequels: "The Basic Source of Peace," "Clothes Worth Wearing," "Clothes Worth Repairing"

Poems that have prerequisites: "The State of Perfect Stillness," "Clothes Worth Repairing," "Connoisseurs of Comfort"

47 poems, $6,094 ÷ 2 = $3047
prices from $2.50 to $276.50


AN ARMY OF ONE (1 poem, was $50, sale price $25)

"Triangulate, Observe, Record, Tabulate, Communicate"
Summary: When an alien spacecraft approaches the Lacuna, the AYES use all their senses to study it.
99 lines, was $50, sale price $25   POOL

ARTS AND CRAFTS AMERICA (6 poems, was $238, sale price $119)

"Meeting in the Middle"
Story Date: 97 CE
Kan Ying sees through the lies of the Parthians and makes his way to Rome.
76 lines, was $38, sale price $19 POOL

"Where Cowboys Really Came From"
Story Date: 1830s-1880s
Summary: It describes how much of the appearance of Western wear came from the poorskills of slaves.
44 lines, was $20, sale price $10 POOL

"Todos Tenemos ..."
Story Date: 1976
Summary: Maria Luna became a ceramic artist.
120 lines, was $60, sale price $30 POOL

"Carving Memories"
Story Date: Summer-Fall 2017
Summary: Tane Garwood finds a creative response to fire season.
50 lines, was $20, sale price $10 POOL

"Forging Onward"
Story Date: Spring 2022
Summary: A veteran takes up blacksmithing.
106 lines, was $53, sale price $26.50 POOL

"For the Opportunities to Come"
Story Date: May 2022
Summary: Several friends need extra money, so they decide to cobble up a flea market.
94 lines, was $47, sale price $23.50 POOL

THE BEAR TUNNELS (2 poems, was $217, sale price $108.50)

"Vengeance of Justice"
Story Date: June 19, 1632
Summary: Arson was not the original plan.
43 lines, was $20, sale price $10 POOL

"Beliefs and Values Passed Down Through Generations"
Story Date: 1633
Summary: Emma and Jesse deepen their ties to the past by adding more crops and livestock to build on what they've already established.
294 lines, was $197, sale price $98.50 POOL


Set of 5 fall-winter themed nature poems.
3-5 lines each, was $25, sale price $12.50 POOL

DAUGHTERS OF THE APOCALYPSE (2 poems, was $71, sale price $35.50)

"Crooked, Winding, Lonesome, Dangerous"
Story Date: Longer Days Moon 1, 15 A.E.
Summary: In the Aftermath, road crews fill holes and update signs with graffiti.
39 lines, was $15, sale price $7.50 POOL

"At the Moment of Perception"
Story Date: Ripe Moon 5, 16 A.E.
Summary: Mikil teaches Choko the Nose about spices.
111 lines, was $56, sale price $28 POOL

ELOQUENT SOULS (1 poem, was $35, sale price $17.50)

"Todos Tenemos ..."
Story Date: 1976
Summary: Maria Luna became a ceramic artist.
120 lines, was $60, sale price $30 POOL

"Just to Make Everything Clear"
Linnea and Jayvee are best friends forever.
70 lines, was $35, sale price $17.50 POOL

NOT QUITE KANSAS (1 poem, was $47, sale price $23.50)

"That Warm Family Church Potluck"
Story Date: Sunday, February 10, 2019
Summary: Gideon gets an invitation, but Barb is not amused.
94 lines, was $47, sale price $23.50 POOL

ONE GOD'S STORY OF MID-LIFE CRISIS (1 poem, was $80, sale price $40)

"Only If There Is a Light from Within"
Summary: Shaeth's followers do more and more amazing things with bottles.
160 lines, was $80, sale price $40 POOL

POLYCHROME HEROICS (30 poems, was $5189, sale price $2594.50)

THE BIG ONE (4 poems, was $466, sale price $233)

"The City of Kittens"
Story Date: Summer 2016
Summary: After the Big One, humans leave the ruins of Rain City, and a pair of kittens begin to build something of their own.
94 lines, was $47, sale price $23.50 POOL

"More Than That"
Story Date: June 26, 2016
Summary: Nazario meets Loudmouth and Torrin, and plays with kittens.
351 lines, was $176, sale price $88 POOL

"Our Natures Being What They Are"
Story Date: Saturday, July 30, 2016
Summary: Dr. G and friends are assembling fitness equipment in a new park when several young thugs decide to interrupt the activities. Someone has made a poor life choice.
213 lines, was $107, sale price $53.50 POOL

"Those Who Travel on Foot"
Story Date: Thursday, July 30, 2016
Summary: After the Big One, refugees seek Mercedes.
272 lines, was $136, sale price $68 POOL

DR. INFANTA (1 poem, was $33, sale price $16.50)

"Prying the Various Powers"
Story Date: 1914
In 1914, Dr. Infanta faces a terrible crossroad in history.
66 lines, was $33, sale price $16.50 POOL

IRON HORSES (1 poem, was $186, sale price $93)

"His Different Senses"
Story Date: Monday, May 12, 2014
Summary: Keith Only One That Sees has a unique way of perceiving the world with quantum senses. His mother Kim All Look at Her takes him in search of a teleport mentor.
371 lines, was $186, sale price $93 POOL

KRAKEN (1 poem, was $173, sale price $86.50)

"Let the World Try to Catch Up"
Summary: Gearshift oversees the Schmidt Makerspace in Thalassia.
346 lines, was $173, sale price $86.50 POOL

MARIONETTES / FINN FAMILY (1 poem, was $135, sale price $67.50)

"The Best Gifts Come from the Heart"
Story Date: Monday, August 22, 2016
Halley introduces a new material.
269 lines, was $135, sale price $67.50 POOL

OFFICER PINK (1 poem, was $120, sale price $60)

"Never So Pretty"
Story Date: Wednesday, June 10, 2015
Summary: Turq's cohort and the three supercats visit Ansel's family farm.
240 lines, was $120, sale price $60 POOL

RUTLEDGE (9 poems, was $2072, sale price $1036)

"Alice Walks the Sky Road"
Story Date: 1930s-present
Summary: This is the history of the Rutledge-Abenaki Airport.
371 lines, was $186, sale price $93

"The Basic Source of Peace"
Story Date: Monday, May 5, 2014
Summary: Ahzan discovers the Peace Store in Rutledge.
371 lines, was $186, sale price $93 POOL

"The State of Perfect Stillness"
Story Date: Monday, June 2, 2014
Summary: Ahzan takes Hasra to the Peace Store.
537 lines, was $269, sale price $134.50 POOL
Available for posting after "The Basic Source of Peace" has been sponsored and published.

"The First Thing You Will Be Questioned About"
Story Date: Afternoon of Saturday, December 6, 2014
Summary: Oscar and Labib bicker over prayer time.
266 lines, was $133, sale price $66.50

"Clothes Worth Wearing"
Story Date: Morning of Saturday, May 2, 2015
Summary: Karimah Suleiman visits a thrift shop in search of clothes and finds new friends as well.
294 lines, was $147, sale price $73.50 POOL

"Clothes Worth Repairing"
Story Date: Afternoon of Saturday, May 2, 2015
Summary: Karimah and her friends have an impromptu mending party at Emerald Mountain Glen.
1105 lines, was $553, sale price $276.50 POOL
Available for posting after "Clothes Worth Wearing" has been sponsored and published.

"Connoisseurs of Comfort"
Story Date: Evening of Wednesday, May 6, 2015
Summary: Karimah and Afra attend a crafting party at Emerald Mountain Glen where they make cat beds.
344 lines, was $172, sale price $86
Available for posting after "Clothes Worth Wearing" and "Clothes Worth Repairing" have been sponsored and published.

"What Herbs Go Well"
Story Date: Saturday, October 1, 2015
Summary: Kardal trades lunches with a French-American food truck owner, and they discuss fusion food.
457 lines, was $229, sale price $114.50

"Do Something Different Inside"
Story Date: Saturday, June 11, 2016
Summary: Oscar introduces Kardal to Bumbleberry Acres.
393 lines, was $197, sale price $98.50

SHIV (3 poems, was $712, sale price $356)

"Anything You Want It to Be"
Story Date: Friday, March 4, 2016
Summary: Tolli takes Shiv to the fish market for inspiration.
465 lines, was $233, sale price $116.50 POOL

"A Good Imagination and a Pile of Junk"
Story Date: Saturday, April 16, 2016
Summary: Dr. G takes Shiv and Edison to the Recycling Bin for an inventing session.
488 lines, was $244, sale price $122 POOL

"So Many Styles of Food"
Story Date: Monday, June 6, 2016
Summary: After the Big One, Shiv makes campfire cooking equipment.
470 lines, was $235, sale price $117.50 POOL

TRICHROMATIC ATTACHMENTS (1 poem, was $289, sale price $144.50)

"Food and Cheer and Song"
Story Date: September 22, 2016
Summary: Tarnish and friends celebrate Hobbit Day with a festival.
578 lines, was $289, sale price $144.50 POOL

OTHER POLYCHROME POEMS (8 poems, was $1003, sale price $501.50)

"Impressive Pawprints"
Story Date: 1930s-present
Summary: It tells the story of polydactyl and other unusual cats in Terramagne.
110 lines, was $55, sale price $27.50

"The Return of the Barbary Lion"
Story Date: Monday, April 22, 2014
Summary: A mad scientist gets tired of poachers and decides to even the playing field.
82 lines, was $41, sale price $20.50

"Nature, Houses, and Living Beings"
Story Date: Early 2015
Summary: Lloyd builds a house for a woman with dogs, and one for a man with cats.
270 lines, was $135, sale price $67.50

"Determine Where You Start"
Story Date: Monday, September 28, 2015
Summary: A charity offers new hope to a paralyzed football player.
405 lines, was $203, sale price $101.50

"Aim a Little Above It"
Story Date: Saturday, November 21, 2015
Summary: Nagi deals with a young man who tries to rob her.
260 lines, was $130, sale price $65

"The Wall in the Room We Shared"
Story Date: Saturday, December 5, 2015
Ferd and Wil escape from a wretched foster home.
516 lines, was $258, sale price $129

"With Dignity and Honor"
Story Date: Friday, June 24, 2016
Summary: Valor's Widow visits New Zealand after the death of Granny Whammy.
272 lines, was $136, sale price $68

"Education Is the Passport to the Future"
Summary: Terramagne has many interesting alternatives to college.
89 lines, was $45, sale price $22.50

SCHRODINGER'S HEROES (1 poem, was $107, sale price $53.50)

Story Date: Saturday, December 3, 2016
When a teen boy tumbles through the Tef, Schrodinger's Heroes leap into action.
214 lines, was $107, sale price $53.50 POOL

STAND-ALONE POEMS (3 poems, was $35, sale price $17.50)

"In the Creation of Life"
Summary: A mother is born.
6 lines, was $5, sale price $2.50 POOL

"Mismatched Cats"
Summary: A coat that gives camouflage in one place may stick out in another.
16 lines, was $10, sale price $5

"The Swan-Road Wanderers"
The continents of the world are connected by many routes throughout history.
41 lines, was $20, sale price $10

* * *


$5 Poems SALE! $2.50 (1 poem, was $5, sale price $2.50)

"In the Creation of Life"
6 lines, was $5, sale price $2.50

$10 Poems SALE! $5 (1 poem, was $10, sale price $5)

"Mismatched Cats"
Summary: A coat that gives camouflage in one place may stick out in another.
16 lines, was $10, sale price $5

$15 Poems SALE! $7.50 (1 poem, was $15, sale price $7.50)

"Crooked, Winding, Lonesome, Dangerous"
39 lines, was $15, sale price $7.50 POOL

$20 Poems SALE! $10 (4 poems, was $80, sale price $40)

"Carving Memories"
50 lines, was $20, sale price $10

"The Swan-Road Wanderers"
41 lines, was $20, sale price $10

"Vengeance of Justice"
43 lines, was $20, sale price $10

"Where Cowboys Really Came From"
44 lines, was $20, sale price $10 POOL


Set of 5 fall-winter themed nature poems.
3-5 lines each, was $25, sale price $12.50

Epic Poems $0.50/line SALE! $0.25/line (44 poems, was $5959, sale price $2979.50)

"Prying the Various Powers"
66 lines, was $33, sale price $16.50

"Just to Make Everything Clear"
70 lines, was $35, sale price $17.50

"Meeting in the Middle"
76 lines, was $38, sale price $19 POOL

"The Return of the Barbary Lion"
82 lines, was $41, sale price $20.50

"Education Is the Passport to the Future"
89 lines, was $45, sale price $22.50

"The City of Kittens"
94 lines, was $47, sale price $23.50

"For the Opportunities to Come"
94 lines, was $47, sale price $23.50 POOL

"That Warm Family Church Potluck"
94 lines, was $47, sale price $23.50

"Triangulate, Observe, Record, Tabulate, Communicate"
99 lines, was $50, sale price $25

"Forging Onward"
106 lines, was $53, sale price $26.50 POOL

"Impressive Pawprints"
110 lines, was $55, sale price $27.50

"At the Moment of Perception"
111 lines, was $56, sale price $28 POOL

"Todos Tenemos ..."
120 lines, was $60, sale price $30 POOL

"Only If There Is a Light from Within"
160 lines, was $80, sale price $40 POOL

"Our Natures Being What They Are"
213 lines, was $107, sale price $53.50

214 lines, was $107, sale price $53.50

"Never So Pretty"
240 lines, was $120, sale price $60 POOL

"Aim a Little Above It"
260 lines, was $130, sale price $65

"The First Thing You Will Be Questioned About"
266 lines, was $133, sale price $66.50

"The Best Gifts Come from the Heart"
269 lines, was $135, sale price $67.50 POOL

"Nature, Houses, and Living Beings"
270 lines, was $135, sale price $67.50

"Those Who Travel on Foot"
272 lines, was $136, sale price $68

"With Dignity and Honor"
272 lines, was $136, sale price $68

"Clothes Worth Wearing"
294 lines, was $147, sale price $73.50 POOL

"Connoisseurs of Comfort"
344 lines, was $172, sale price $86

"Let the World Try to Catch Up"
346 lines, was $173, sale price $86.50 POOL

"More Than That"
351 lines, was $176, sale price $88

"Alice Walks the Sky Road"
371 lines, was $186, sale price $93

"The Basic Source of Peace"
371 lines, was $186, sale price $93 POOL

"His Different Senses"
371 lines, was $186, sale price $93 POOL

"Beliefs and Values Passed Down Through Generations"
294 lines, was $197, sale price $98.50

"Do Something Different Inside"
393 lines, was $197, sale price $98.50

"Determine Where You Start"
405 lines, was $203, sale price $101.50

"What Herbs Go Well"
457 lines, was $229, sale price $114.50

"Anything You Want It to Be"
465 lines, was $233, sale price $116.50 POOL

"So Many Styles of Food"
470 lines, was $235, sale price $117.50

"A Good Imagination and a Pile of Junk"
488 lines, was $244, sale price $122

"The Wall in the Room We Shared"
516 lines, was $258, sale price $129

"The State of Perfect Stillness"
537 lines, was $269, sale price $134.50 POOL

"Food and Cheer and Song"
578 lines, was $289, sale price $144.50 POOL

"Clothes Worth Repairing"
1105 lines, was $553, sale price $276.50

fantasy, reading, writing, fishbowl, poetry, cyberfunded creativity, science fiction, holiday, weblit, shopping

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