I got to talking with a friend about emotions and how they can hijack rational thought. It's a common problem. Here's a toolkit for handling emotions so they don't overwhelm you.
* Make an Emotional First Aid Kit. This will help soothe high emotions in the moment.
* Study the nature of emotions and their vocabulary. It is easier to get control of things that you can name, and many exercises include naming the emotion(s) you're feeling now.
* Sit with your feelings. Some feelings are like toddlers and just want your attention. Once they have it, some of them will fall asleep and stop bothering you. Attention completes the emotion.
* Practice with cognitive behavioral therapy. This helps you return logic to emotional chaos, especially the awareness of thought distortions and the use of worksheets to lay out points on paper.
* Practice with meditation. This increases your self-awareness and calm, decreases monkeymind issues like chattering and worrying, and improves your ability to snap yourself out of unhelpful mindstates.
* Read Prometheus Rising, an instruction manual for brains and minds.
* Study the nature of emotions and their vocabulary. It is easier to get control of things that you can name, and many exercises include naming the emotion(s) you're feeling now.
* Know how to help other people with their feelings. Lots of folks lack basic emotional skills. Small children especially rely on adults to regulate their emotions for them.