A couple of folks on
snowflake_challenge mentioned the problem of racism and other discrimination in fandom, and wanted to fix it. So here are some ideas.
General tools for fighting racism:
3 Heart-Mind Practices for Anti-Racism *
Anti-Racism Resource Collection *
Community Strategies to End Racism and Support Racial Healing: The PLACE MATTERS Approach to Promoting Racial Equity *
Here is how you should handle racial discrimination in the workplace *
How to Start an Anti-Racist Student Group in Your School *
Fight Racism *
Nerds Against Fandom Racism *
The Problem of "Woke Racism" *
Racial Justice Assessment Tool *
Tool for Organizational Self-Assessment Related to Racial Equity *
What To Do When You See Islamophobia (works with most types of harassment)
Racism in fandom and how to fight it:
8 Ways to Get Involved in Fandom Based Activism *
An archive of whose own? White feminism and racial justice in fan fiction's digital infrastructure *
Diversity in fandom: How the narrative is changing *
Fandom Can Be A Lot Like High School - Here's How To Avoid The Bad Stuff *
Fans in the Gutter: People of Color in Comics Fandom *
Help:Improving your community *
Help:Making a successful community *
Hypervisibility and Racism in Fandom *
I really hate fandom's treatment of Shiro.
The Joy & Rage of Being Black In Fandom Right Now *
MCU Fandom Hates People of Color *
The Multiplicity and Diversity of Fandom: An Interview with Fansplaining's Flourish Klink and Elizabeth Minkel (Part One)
Nerds Against Fandom Racism *
On Racebending and Seeing Yourself in Fandom *
Pattern recognition: A dialogue on racism in fan communities *
Poke a Bigot in the Eye *
Race and Fandom *
Why Do People Hate Rose Tico?
Best practices:
Buy canon content by and about people of color. Follow bloggers of color to find good ones.
14 Games by Black Developers *
21 Current TV Shows That Feature Diverse Main Casts *
36 Science Fiction And Fantasy Books From AAPI Authors *
50 best movies directed by a person of color *
Rich in Color *
Sci-fi/fantasy art from Black, POC, Native, Indigenous illustrators *
Speculative Fiction by Authors of Color Discuss what you buy. Review it,
recommend it, critique it, fanfic it, nominate it for awards -- just respond to it. Nobody likes the sound of crickets chirping. If you're really excited, try to interview the creator(s).
33 Radio & Podcast Interview Tips For Authors From Scott Lorenz *
50 Brilliant, Original Questions to ask an Author *
2022 Rose and Bay Awards for Excellence in Crowdfunding *
Book Review Tips for Successful Writing *
Coyote and Crow: Overview *
Deep Critique Without Play *
Heavy Rain’s sexism problem *
How to Critique a Book - Basic Structure and Facts *
How to Offer an Effective Critique *
How to Review a Crowdfunded Project (generalizes well other other reviews)
How to Write a Fanfiction *
How to Write a Video Game Review *
The Matrix Fic Rec Thread *
Tips on making a fic-rec blog *
Want to make a fic rec post? Grab yourself a header and get to it! (for Tumblr)
What constitutes a good Fic Rec list?
Welcome fans of color. Help them learn the culture, and learn theirs in return. Sometimes their cultural interpretations are nearly fanfic already, like the glorious Shakespeare in the Bush. (This is true for any cross-cultural exchange. Try explaining African motifs in speculative poetry to white fans.)
The Star Trek Welcommittee is a good example of fannish outreach in the past. Does your fandom have
anyone who reaches out to new fans? It should. That could be you.
7 Simple Ways to Make an Introvert Feel Appreciated *
The ABCS Of Understanding and Reaching Fandom *
How to Introduce Someone to Your Fandom *
Welcome to the Fan Parade: A Guide for Fandom Newcomers Churches have a LOT of material on outreach. Just ignore the religious part and focus on the psychological techniques of helping people feel welcome and weaving them into the community. Here's a description for
visitation work.
Create connections. Make sure that new people get
friends, responsibilities, and fannish nourishment. The easiest thing you can do is just say hello to all new fans!
Of course, racism isn't the only form of discrimination in fandom. There's also sexism and heterosexism. Many of the same issues and solutions mentioned above also apply to other prejudices, so I'll just hit the highlights here.
General tools for fighting sexism:
100+ Ideas to Promote Gender Equity in Schools and Beyond *
Bechdel-Wallace test *
Best Practices for Creating Inclusive Workplaces for LGBTQ Employees *
Gender Equality Organizational Assessment Tool Sexism in fandom and how to fight it:
47 Science Fiction And Fantasy Novels Starring LGBTQ+ Characters *
Bystander Intervention *
The Death of Tara, the Fall of Willow and The Dead/Evil Lesbian Cliché FAQ *
The Ending Of ‘Supernatural’ Has Queer Fans Extremely Pissed Off *
Fandoms: Racism, Homophobia & Bad Representation *
Feminist group organizer checklist *
Finding women *
Founding a women geeks group *
Giving female fantasy artists a voice *
Have You Had Enough of the Sexism, Racism and Homophobia on the Star Trek Facebook Page?
Homophobia, heteronormativity, and slash fan fiction *
HOWTO recruit and retain women in tech workplaces *
Inclusive offsites (employer activities)
J.K. Rowling and Transphobia *
Mitigating internet trollstorms *
Moderation (techniques for online groups)
Mugglenet: Our Commitment *
Promotion to women *
“Prove it, ladies”: why sexism in fandom is a serious problem *
Resources for Allies (gender equality)
Resources for conference organizers (gender equality)
Resources for supporting young women *
Resources for therapists (of geeky women)
Resources for Women *
Safety Tracker *
Sexism in Doctor Who and the Doctor Who Fandom: Does it Exist? *
So you made a mistake *
Thoughts on racism, sexism, and fandom: How to Suck Less *
Women-friendly events General tools for fighting ableism:
Disability Friendly Workplace - Self Assessment *
Organisational Engagement on Disability Inclusion tool *
Planning Accessible Meetings and Events A TOOLKIT *
Web Accessibility Evaluation Tools List Ableism in fandom and how to fight it:
Five Rules For Creating Disabled Characters *
Ableism in fandom *
Accessibility (in fandom)
Disability and Neurodivergence in Fantasy and Science Fiction *
Disabled Characters in Fantasy & Science Fiction *
Disabled Writers & Science Fiction / Fantasy *
The Fries Test *
How to Write a Disabled Character *
Preventing volunteer burnout *
A Short List of Science Fiction & Fantasy That Celebrates Disability *
We Need to Address the Ableism Issue in Fandom As a general rule, think how things intersect with your interests and abilities, and what you can do toward inclusivity. Are you a writer? Write something. Are you an artist? Draw something. Are you a blogger? Boost the signal. Are you a fan leader or content creator? Model inclusivity. Are you a shopper? Use your folding vote. Do you own a business? Check your documents and policies for inclusivity. Problems that people create can be solved by other people. The above problems are 100% created by people. It's up to us to fix them.
What are you doing toward inclusivity?