Poem: "Delight in Another"

Jan 12, 2021 23:02

This was the linkback perk poem for the January 5, 2021 Poetry Fishbowl, originally hosted by Dreamwidth user Dialecticdreamer.  It is spillover from the July 7, 2020 Poetry Fishbowl.  It was inspired by a prompt from kestrels_nest.  It also fills the "Antlers" square in my 7-1-20 card for the Winterfest in July Bingo.

"Delight in Another"
There has long been ( Read more... )

reading, gender studies, writing, fishbowl, poetry, cyberfunded creativity, poem, weblit

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Comments 4

rhodielady_47 January 13 2021, 12:06:28 UTC
"On Feminism: "Feminism is a socialist, anti-family, political movement that encourages women to leave their husbands, kill their children, practice witchcraft, destroy capitalism and become lesbians."
-- Pat Robertson"

Heaven forbid that man actually telling other men that they need to behave in positive ways that encourage their wives to continue staying with them!
Hell, just putting their dirty clothes into their laundry hampers, helping with the kids and other housework, and actually telling their wives how much they appreciate having them in their lives would be a huge step in the right direction.


Well ... ysabetwordsmith January 14 2021, 10:17:40 UTC
That's what you get when you mate-shop with your cooch instead of your head. You get a good fuck who won't lift a finger in the house.

Try shopping the Friendzone. They're a lot more useful, better company, and hey the equipment still works too.


Re: Well ... rhodielady_47 January 14 2021, 12:52:07 UTC
You're exactly right!


anonymous July 16 2021, 01:52:31 UTC
I'm a feminist, and I'm a Witch, and I have fairly socialist leanings.... but I have never left my husband, nor killed my child (there were moments, of course), I'd like to destroy capitalism before it destroys me, and I'm not a lesbian, but I try to stay open-minded.

"Capitalism is an oppressive, anti-family movement that keeps women from being able to make their own way in the world, assumes that every woman needs a husband, keeps children in poverty and in abusive situations, and tries to impose obsolete superstitions about human sexual behavior."


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