Unsold Poems for the December 1, 2020 Poetry Fishbowl

Dec 17, 2020 00:09

The following poems from the December 1, 2020 Poetry Fishbowl are currently available. Poems may be sponsored via PayPal -- there's a permanent donation button on my Dreamwidth profile page -- or you can write to me and discuss other methods. There are still verses left in the linkback poems " The Arc of the Mental Universe," " Everything That Blooms," " In the Shade of the Mighty Oak," " Let the Children Lead Us," and " Autumn's Palette," and " Pumpkin Spice Prosperity."

"Come Together to Learn and Create"
An architect builds infill communities where creative people, some of them nonhuman and others polyamorous, can be themselves.
397 lines + R&D surcharge = $397

Lloyd loved building things,
and he loved beauty too.

In fact, he had met
his future wife Irma
while minoring in art
to support his major
in architecture.

"Continually Seduce"
When Ricasso meets someone new at a party, the night gets interesting.
284 lines, Buy It Now = $142

Ricasso drifted over the floor,
talking with the people he
recognized and meeting
a few new ones too.

"Integration of the Contraries"
It tells about the first Sankofa House.
95 lines, Buy It Now = $48

The first Sankofa House was founded
at Cheyney University of Pennsylvania.

It was an old stone house with three floors.
The bottom floor included the kitchen and
dining area, the living room, and the library.

"A Place That Makes You Happy"
The Kallistos search for a new house. Nothing about this was ever going to be simple.
470 lines, Buy It Now = $235
Sequel to " A Celebration and a Consolation," currently in microfunding.

Keira's dad had continued
to act like That Guy, until
everyone wished they could
afford a teleporter to dump him
at one of those counseling offices.

"Relationships of Substance and Depth"
Pips comes to Joshua for care after a rough job. Joshua is quick to offer comfort.
507 lines, Buy It Now = $254

When the doorbell rang,
Joshua went to answer it, not
expecting anything in particular.

Pips was there on the elbow
of an unfamiliar teleporter.

"The Things We Never Saw Coming"
Molly deals with Danys, some surprising news -- and an unexpected opportunity.
564 lines, Buy It Now = $282

Molly was in Soup to Nuts
doing the paperwork from
the zoomwagon's last run
when Danys came in feeling
very much the worse for wear.

"Without Stable Shelter"
Boss White wants Shiv to join a meeting with the head of Public Housing. Shiv is uncertain why, but he proves surprisingly useful.
1065 lines, Buy It Now = $533

"I've got a meeting today,"
Boss White announced. "I'd
like you to accompany me."

"Yes, Boss White," said Shiv.
What the hell use he'd be
in a meeting, he didn't know,
but if the Boss wanted him
there, then he would go.

These four poems form a sequence in the Iron Horses thread:

"Ways to Make the Pain Go Away"
Warshirt deals with a bad day by getting drunk. Spotted Deer takes care of him.
229 lines, Buy It Now = $115

Warshirt was having a shitty day.

He hadn't slept well the night before,
and gave up around dawn to go
split some firewood outside.

"Quicker Than You Can Lower Them"
The morning after, Warshirt feels fine, until suddenly he doesn't.
122 lines, Buy It Now = $61

Warshirt woke up feeling
surprisingly okay.

Last night's bender
was no more than
a faint ache and
a bit of brain fog.

"A Crazy and Drunk Life"
Upset by everything that's happened, Warshirt seeks advice from Many Tongues.
358 lines, Buy It Now = $179

Warshirt pulled into the driveway
by the big beige roundhouse
where Many Tongues lived.

Inside, he found everyone
in the open entryway.

"Repair Just About Anything"
Warshirt and Spotted Deer work things out.
426 lines, Buy It Now = $213

It was afternoon when Warshirt
finally pulled into his driveway.

As long as he was going to
Natural Grocers anyway, he
had taken the opportunity
to stock up on things that
he couldn't always get locally,
like recycled toilet paper and
floor wash with real pine oil.

fantasy, reading, writing, shopping, fishbowl, poetry, cyberfunded creativity

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