Unsold Poems for the November 3, 2020 Poetry Fishbowl

Nov 16, 2020 20:47

The following poems from the November 1, 2020 Poetry Fishbowl are currently available. Poems may be sponsored via PayPal -- there's a permanent donation button on my Dreamwidth profile page -- or you can write to me and discuss other methods. There are still verses left in the linkback poems " A Lively Feast," " Always Carry Your Goodness," " The Arc of the Mental Universe," " So Often Alone," " Everything That Blooms," " In the Shade of the Mighty Oak," " Let the Children Lead Us," and " Autumn's Palette."

"Constantly Tossed About"
Summary: The collapse of Rain City during the Big One leads to an unlikely gathering of allies.
544 lines, Buy It Now = $272

Raiden had just popped
the electronic lock on
a particularly fine Lexus
when something moved
that was not the car.

"Defined by the Patient"
Summary: Shortly after release from prison, Shiv tries out a doctor in Omaha, with surprisingly good results.
1219 lines, Buy It Now = $610

Shiv jittered and fidgeted
in his seat all the way to
Freeman Family Hospital.

Going there was the last thing
he wanted, but he had promised
Dr. Bloch that he would keep
the appointment to try out
a new doctor here in Omaha.

"Proximity Leads to Intimacy"
Calliope and Vagary discover a way to satisfy the bond without tripping over each other.
196 lines, Buy It Now = $98

Calliope ignored the bond
as much she could, but it
was always there, nagging
at the back of her mind.

"A Spotlight Can Change Everything"
Summary: Fortressa reaches out to Qin Yuán, who becomes a fashion model for Penny.
274 lines, Buy It Now = $137

Fortressa closed her laptop,
careful not to break it, because
she sure as hell felt like
breaking something.

"Terror to the Evildoers and Joy to the Righteous"
Summary: Dr. Infanta meets with Ruggiero regarding China, after which she takes a walk around Panahgah.
375 lines, Buy It Now = $188

Dr. Infanta was still frustrated that
everyone had conspired to keep her
from intervening more directly in China,
all the moreso after "John Gray" had
raised the alarm about the childbots.

* * *

This poem was written outside the regular prompt calls, but I thought folks would like to know that it is available.

"Why Retribution Has Come Upon Him"
Summary: Carl Bernhardt decides that he doesn't need to stay in prison. This is an opportunity that others have been waiting politely for.
124 lines, Buy It Now = $62

Carl Bernhardt had waited,
if not patiently, at least deliberately,
for several months after his conviction
before he began watching opportunities
to escape with any serious intent.

fantasy, reading, writing, shopping, fishbowl, poetry, cyberfunded creativity

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