Poetry Fishbowl Report for August 4, 2020

Aug 14, 2020 17:58

Our theme this month was "Unconventional Problem-Solving." I wrote from 12:30 PM to 6:30 AM, so about 16 hours allowing for lunch and supper breaks. I wrote 4 poems on Tuesday and another 6 later.

Participation was similar, with 11 comments on LiveJournal and another 54 on Dreamwidth. A total of 16 people sent prompts. There were no new prompters.

Read Some Poetry!
The following poems from the August 4, 2020 Poetry Fishbowl have been posted:
" The Best Understanding of Their Differences"
"In the Face of Complacency and Cowardice"
"Plugging the Pipe"
"Take Down the Master's House"

" In the Shade of the Mighty Oak" (standalone, May Creative Jam, 2020) (linkback perk)
"The Blue People" (Polychrome Heroics, July 21, 2020 Poetry Fishbowl) (free epic)
"Targets for Their Own Self-Hatred" (Polychrome Heroics: Officer Pink, July 7, 2020 Poetry Fishbowl)

Buy some poetry!
If you plan to sponsor some poetry but haven't made up your mind yet, see the unsold poetry list from August 4. That includes the title, length, price, and the original thumbnail description for the poems still available. All sponsored poems have been posted. This month's donors include:
janetmiles, and Anthony & Shirley Barrette. There were no new donors. There is 1 tally toward a bonus fishbowl.

The Poetry Fishbowl also has a permanent landing page.

reading, writing, weblit, fishbowl, poetry, cyberfunded creativity

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