Monday Update 6-15-20

Jun 15, 2020 15:00

These are some posts from the later part of last week in case you missed them:
Community Building Tip: Community Signs
Moment of Silence: Denny O'Neil
Read Superfood Smoothies
Poem: "Ghost Colors"
Self-Awareness Question: Favorite Place
Wedding Traditions
Death Apple
Reducing Risks of Astronomical Suffering
Hard Things

There will be a half-price sale in Polychrome Heroics this week.

Poetry in Microfunding:

There are two open epics at present.

" Protect the Forests" belongs to Polychrome Heroics: Iron Horses. The Iron Horses talk about listening to the forest.

" Pride Against Prejudice" belongs to Polychrome Heroics. The autograph tables are impressive.

The weather has been warm and mostly dry, though we got a sprinkle the other night. Seen at the birdfeeders this week: a flock of mourning doves, a flock of sparrows, several blackbirds, several cardinals, several house finches, a pair of goldfinches, a gray catbird, a robin, a brown thrasher, a phoebe, and two squirrels with yellow bellies.  I also saw a barn swallow flying around, and now there is one sitting on the nest under the overhang.  :D  Currently blooming: honeysuckle, comfrey, chives, pinks, violas, butterfly weed, yucca, alyssum, petunia. Mulberries have pink fruit. Blackberries and raspberries have green fruit.

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