Unsold Poems from the May 1, 2018 Poetry Fishbowl

May 11, 2018 22:45

The following poems from the May 1, 2018 Poetry Fishbowl are currently available. Poems may be sponsored via PayPal -- there's a permanent donation button on my Dreamwidth profile page -- or you can write to me and discuss other methods.
There are still verses left in the linkback poems " We Will Fade into You," " The Open Gyre," " Growing Green, Growing Gold," " Mysterious and Impermanent," " The Attack of the Dragon Shrimp," " Greater Than the Sum," " Cleaning Achnai's Oven," and " Nascent Wisdom." Linking to this page will reveal new verses in whichever linkback poem you request.

"An Alternative Beltane"
These prompts turned into a lavish description of "An Alternative Beltane." Join neurovariant and asexual Pagans for a romp in the garden!
48 lines, Buy It Now = $20

"A Challenging Family"
From this I got the free-verse poem "A Challenging Family." Keras muses over the ups and downs of his unique family.
105 lines, Buy It Now = $53

Keras has a challenging family,
and that is not an accident.

His oldest child Alex
is intersex and rides in
an electric wheelchair
due to muscle weakness.

"The Light of Intelligence"
This inspired "The Light of Intelligence." Heidi needs to find a placement for a thrice-exceptional girl: legally blind, unusually smart, and superpowered.
254 lines, Buy It Now = $127

It was obvious from the moment
Heidi first met Benedick Smith
that his daughter Millaray
needed a new placement.

"Moving Objects with His Hands"
Your intelligence prompt inspired the free-verse poem "Moving Objects with His Hands." Shiv and Jaxon visit the Finns. Shiv finds math manipulatives equally enticing and overwhelming.
1362 lines, Buy It Now = $681

Shiv checked the weather report
for Mercedes, California and found
a nice warm day by his standards.

He threw on a purple Peas & Love t-shirt
that he'd gotten at the farmer's market, with
board shorts in purple, black, and white
and his black sneaker sandals.

"No One Has to Wait"
Your intelligence prompt inspired the free-verse poem "No One Has to Wait." T-Britannia has an organization for refugee superkids, some of whom are super-intellects.
155 lines, Buy It Now = $78

Without warning, Beatrix Underhill
inherited an old manor house
known as Twyford Hall.

This complicated her life,
because the locals didn't
approve of nobles working,
even one from a collateral line
who had never really thought
of herself in that way before.

"A Recipe for Affection"
In Terramagne-America, children with disabilities are often paired together to help each other through life. In this case, Bob was born without a conscience and Tom was born without feet. They do just fine together.
43 lines, Buy It Now = $20

"Slow and Fast"
Your Torn World prompt inspired the free-verse poem "Slow and Fast." It compares the strengths and weaknesses of Ularki and her agemates.
24 lines, Buy It Now = $10

reading, writing, weblit, shopping, fishbowl, poetry, cyberfunded creativity

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