Poem: In a Hidden Realm

Jan 02, 2018 17:40

This is the freebie for today's fishbowl. It was inspired by prompts from
bairnsidhe, and
alexseanchai. It also fills the "loss of job / income" square in my 6-6-17 card for the
hc_bingo fest. This poem belongs to the fandom The 10th Kingdom.

"In a Hidden Realm"

Magic and reality
exist in layers, like
the leaves of a book,
facts and fairyfales
lying side by side.

Turn the page, and
Virginia and her father Tony
find themselves stranded
in a hidden realm.

They've lost their homes,
they've lost their jobs,
they have no way
to support themselves
as they struggle to find
the magic mirror that
will take them back.

These things matter to Tony.

Virginia is more interested in Wolf
and the chance to explore a new world.

They were raised where "seeing is believing"
but here "believing is seeing," and everything
is made of magic instead of science.

It is not physics or chemistry but
focused intent that powers magic,
and true love has a will of its own.

Wolf just lolls his tongue
in a long, red laugh.

They chase through
the kingdoms in search
of the magic mirror and
the lost Prince Wendell.

Sometimes they find clues,
other times they barely manage
to escape with their lives.

Eventually, of course,
they find the magic mirror.

Prince Wendell gives Tony a job,
Virginia and Wolf return to New York --
where she can never get that song out of
her head, the one about believing in magic --

and they all live happily ever after.

fantasy, reading, writing, fishbowl, magic, poetry, cyberfunded creativity, poem, weblit

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