Diane Severson Mori compiles a list of poetic activities from SFPA members each month. This time she split the list, with individual poem publications with links in this section and all the magazine/book stuff elsewhere. So here's a batch of speculative poetry for you to enjoy. Just scroll past mine that you've already seen, it's in alphabetical order.
Elizabeth Barrette
Poem, "Pulling It Backward" (commissioned by Dreamwidth user
Dialecticdreamer), The Wordsmith's Forge
http://ysabetwordsmith.livejournal.com/3415699.html Poem (bilingual in
English & Proto-Indo-European), "Father Sun, Mother Moon", The Wordsmith's
http://ysabetwordsmith.livejournal.com/3410156.html Several poem links from Crowdfunding Creative Jam, The Wordsmith's Forge
http://ysabetwordsmith.livejournal.com/3407061.html Poem, "Straight as an Arrow", The Wordsmith's Forge
http://ysabetwordsmith.livejournal.com/3398887.html James Dorr
Werewolf poem, "Beware of the Dog,",GRIEVOUS ANGEL webzine (scroll down -
one of two poems)
http://www.scifi-and-fantasy.land/article/new-verse-two-poems-5271 Julie B. Kelsey
Ten tanka, The Bamboo Hut
http://www.calameo.com/read/0024790772224ebc91213 Deborah P Kolodji
Haiku, Heron's Nest, September, 2014
http://www.theheronsnest.com/September2014/haiku-p11.html Haiku, Hundred Gourds, September, 2014
http://ahundredgourds.haikuhut.com/ahg34/haiku12.html Haiku, One Song, an anthology of 100 haiku published by the Haiku Poets of
Northern California, edited by Garry Gay September 2014, commemorating
the 25th Anniversary of the annual "Two Autumns" reading.
http://www.isbnservices.com/isbn/978-1-63443-616-8/ David C. Kopaska-Merkel
Two poems, “Eris Station” and “Curiosity Reports a Comet”, The Martian
Wave 2014, by Nomadic Delirium Press:
http://nomadicdeliriumpress.com/tmw.htm John C. Mannone
Poem (with audio), "Bluefish", Split Rock Review (Sep 1, 2014),
http://www.splitrockreview.org/mannone A cleave poem , "Vows: Two Becoming
One", Red Wolf Journal (Aug 22, 2014),
Peter Roberts
Poem, Taking Shelter, New Myths - Issue 28 (September 2014)
https://sites.google.com/a/newmyths.com/nmwebsite/poems/taking-shelter David Vandervort (as irving)
Poem "Ghosts of Oz" (under the pen name irving) Issue 64 of Apex Magazine.
http://www.apex-magazine.com/ghosts-of-oz/ Dusty Wallace
Poem, “DNR”, Mystic Nebula,
http://mysticnebula.com/2014/07/17/dnr/ Lee Zumpe
Poems; "things that don't seem to fit," "Witch Cult," "unfortunate
solutions," "left untreated" and "where the darkness resides." Eldritch
Press website www.eldritchpress.com/lee-clark-zumpe.html
PS: I'm sure there are a lot more members who had work published in
September. Diane Severson editor, Poetry Planet - StarShipSofa.com staff
blogger Amazing Stories Mag
http://divadiane.eu divadianepoetry@gmail.com