So, the photos. You're generally very good at referencing your sources; could I trouble you to link to or name your photo sources rather than copying the images entirely uncredited into your scrapbook? In particular, I recognize the first of the two fire masks as a design by Crimson Spark, an instance of which I happen to own. They're no less a solo artisan trying to support themself than you are, and even if it's just being used as a visual reference, deserve credit for their design. (This has bugged me for other photo references -- you used to link to stock photos on their original sites, IIRC? -- but this one I happened to recognize in particular.)
It's a real tactic. Uncommon, because most people who will use terrorist tactics to achieve their goals are not ethical. But it has been done and it can work.
Several of my supervillains are classed as supervillains because they use violent, illegal methods to pursue goals that are laudable. Fortressa is another example; she goes after sexist men. But she's a lot less careful about collateral damage. Dr. Infanta is careful about collateral, but she usually doesn't give warnings first.
Comments 3
So, the photos. You're generally very good at referencing your sources; could I trouble you to link to or name your photo sources rather than copying the images entirely uncredited into your scrapbook? In particular, I recognize the first of the two fire masks as a design by Crimson Spark, an instance of which I happen to own. They're no less a solo artisan trying to support themself than you are, and even if it's just being used as a visual reference, deserve credit for their design. (This has bugged me for other photo references -- you used to link to stock photos on their original sites, IIRC? -- but this one I happened to recognize in particular.)
Several of my supervillains are classed as supervillains because they use violent, illegal methods to pursue goals that are laudable. Fortressa is another example; she goes after sexist men. But she's a lot less careful about collateral damage. Dr. Infanta is careful about collateral, but she usually doesn't give warnings first.
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