Monday Update 3-12-12

Mar 12, 2012 14:09

These are some posts from the later part of last week, in case you missed them:
Minimalist Science Poetry
Poetry Fishbowl Report for Tuesday, March 6, 2012
Meme: Memorable Creations
Torn Tongue: Abstract/Miscellaneous Nouns Beginning with "S"
PetriDish: Crowdfunding for Science Projects
The Relevance of Poetry
Plans and Goals

There will be a bonus fishbowl on Tuesday, March 20, 2012. Based on an audience poll, the theme will be Path of the Paladins.

The two free serial poems have been posted, " After Dark" and " The Weight of the Day." The cast list for Fiorenza the Wisewoman and the Serial Poetry page have been updated. The donor perk-post " Class and Character" is now available.

Poetry in Microfunding:
" Rosehips and Honey" (Hart's Farm) is now complete; it shows Rowen teaching children about gardening.  " Call to Duty" (Sort Of Heroes) opened and closed quickly; read about Nib and Brod answering a minion call.  " Tunnel Vision" (The Steamsmith) features an argument about civil engineering with Isambard Kingdom Brunel, Arthur Wellesley, a couple of pesky young noblemen, and of course Maryam.  New epics may be opened in any series other than The Steamsmith.

Torn World writing update:
Approved as canon: "Squiggles: Excerpts from Nleimen's Journal," (fiction), "Hide Away," "Bitter Herbs" "Red Glass, Green Glass," (poetry).  Back to me for edits: "Seafoam Fashions," (poetry), "Half-Leg," "Northern Game: Bola-Ball," "Dolls in the Empire" (nonfiction). Currently in front of the canon board: "Catch and Release," "Dusting Off the Green Speech," "Doing the Work," "Breaking the Ice," (fiction), "Unlicensed Dreams" "The Hearsay Cafe," "The Colors of the Rainbow," "Something Big Is Coming" "How Skycat Got Her Name" "The Unicorn Surprise" (poetry), "Wild Herbivores of the North" (nonfiction).  Drafted: "Cutting Cords and Clasping Hands," "Like Ash Before the Wind," "From Dark to Bright," "Beached Fish," (fiction).  In revision at home: "Water Dance," "When the Wind's Teeth Sing," "The Bones of Need" "Raining Kittens," (fiction), "Fish of the North" (nonfiction).  Currently writing: "Catch of the Day," "Reaching for the Moons" "Winterheart" (fiction).

It's sunny and blustery here today.  Rain last night, more rain predicted later this week, and much warmer temperatures.  The snowdrops and crocus are blooming.  Daffodils have buds on them.  Tulips and hyacinths are sprouting.  Lilacs, honeysuckles, and a few other early shrubs are beginning to unfurl their leaf buds.

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