Smoke and dust and the desert in June...

Jun 19, 2011 20:38

 Wish y'all could see what it looked like here an hour or so ago.  All the smoke from the fires down south and east of Tucson have been drawn in by the enormous gusts of wind we've been experiencing all day, and the dust from the desert has mixed with the fires.  Tucson is a mountain valley, a very wide one; we can see mountains to three sides, with the southern ones a bit further away down towards Mexico.  Only... we CAN'T see them now, the dust and smoke have completely whited them out, and the sun when it was setting was pure silver, just like the moon.  Seriously, seriously weird, believe me.

Two long-time SCAdians that I know of have lost their house, burned to the ground; I don't know offhand of any others in the local shires/baronies/marches that've lost their homes in this set of fires in particular, though I've been told that at least five SCA families have been evacuated.  I wish them well, and have told friends down that direction to please contact me if there's anything at all that I can do.  I wish there was.  Donations are pretty much it right now.  Dear gods, do we need rain; a soft all-day gentle rain would do endless amounts of good.  According to the Monsoon Season Watch texts I get daily, while the humidity's gone up a tiny bit (it's all of 12% right now) the start of the rains is still a long ways off.

So if any of you can spare a few good thoughts and energy towards the poor people stuck down in the fires in the Sierra Vista AZ area, please do; they need it.

az, weather, life as i know it

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