Thynges Donne...

May 15, 2011 12:16

 In one of Terry Pratchett's Discworld novels (the one about Music With Rocks In, I think, or maybe Moving Pictures), there's a troll named Chalky.  T-shirts (or remarkably thin cotton tunics, anyway) with logos on them have just been invented, and as Chalky tends to live in one of the less-reputable parts of Ankh-Morpork and takes on contracts to do things that show up on police blotters, he doesn't tend to advertise.  However, he's thinking about it-- maybe if it's less specific advertising than 'I Will Break Your Client's Legs For You To Get Them To Pay Up' and a bit more laid back, maybe it'd work?  So he considers having t-shirts that say the following:

Thynges Donne
12 The Scours, Ankh-Morpork
I like that.  And this weekend I'm Doing Thynges.  I need a specific t-shirt for days when I'm Doing Thynges, I think.  It would motivate me, possibly.  Thynges I have Donne this weekend include:

1.  Paid my bloody credit-card bill (eep, overdue)
2.  Paid my phone bill (ditto)
3.  Paid my insurance (ahem, you get the drill. Ah, paycheck, farewell!)
4.  Paid for a new subscription to LJ
5.  Donated to a Japan relief organization through the Unitarian Universalist church (I like those guys)
6.  Glued about a hundred glow-in-the-dark stars to my living-room ceiling (still got 200 more to put up)
7.  Got a new orchid, took some pics (see below)
8.  Weeded the garden out back (partially; gonna finish this afternoon when it cools down)
9.  Bought fabric to cover my two living-room square floor-pillows-- pretty stuff
10. Bought groceries enough to keep me from going out to lunch all next week, which I need to stop doing, dammit
11. Started a Sekret Art Project which I'm not gonna talk about.  ^_^
12. Pulled a freaking huge amount of clothes to donate to Savers
13. Got a massage.  Right, well, that was an indulgence, not an accomplishment, but it damn well improved my attitude. Didn't realize I was hurting that much until the knots unknotted.
14. heading to said Savers to look for cheap pictureframes I can buy and repaint, because I realized last night that I have a freaking TRUCKLOAD of art I own that has never gone on the walls. And I need to do something about it, because why own it if you're not going to look at it?  And well, no, I haven't DONNE that yet, but I'm going to after I eat lunch, so there.

And now, the aforementioned pics:

I found this pretty little thing at Trader Joe's.  Not a particularly remarkable orchid except that the bugger has SIX blooms and TWENTY-EIGHT buds... in a plant that cost all of $7.99.  And it's healthy and has marvelous rootlet-thingies and beautiful leaves and not a break or bend anywhere.  I named her Amethyst; she's keeping my other orchid, Freckles, company.

And here's a pic where I got playing around and a bit artsy; I'm not a particularly good photographer, but it's fun to play with editors now and then.

She's a lovely girl, isn't she?  That's what I did this weekend!  How about y'all?

thynges donne, life as i know it

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