Random Useful-Stuff post

Mar 25, 2011 09:04

I think I'm gonna try doing this on Fridays. Not every Friday, mind you, but I'll do my best to remember.

Every now and then I run across particularly useful info or things to make, and I go 'Huh; I ought to share that.' And then I bookmark it and forget to do so and when I find it much later on, I thwap myself mentally for not doing so.  And therefore, here's a small handful of varied and useful things I've run across lately:

* * *


Make your own laundry soap (both dry and powdered)
Virtual trips: traveling by VPike (useful for visual landmarks when driving)
Recharging your iPod/MP3 player using an onion and some Gatoraid (haven't tried this yet but I plan to)


Guerilla gardening (no, you're not growing guerillas. It combines subversive activity and ecological planting, go look.)
Overheard In NY (if you've ever been there, you'll laugh until you pee when you read this. Updates daily.)
Sparkly writing html code page


My favorite furniture (which I wish I could afford)
My favorite jewelry (which I *can* afford but am trying to resist buying)
Where I go when it's been a shitty day

There we go.  Hope y'all have found this to be a useful and enjoyable Friday page!  I'll try to do this fairly frequently in the future. 


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