omg omg omg...

Feb 23, 2011 14:04

Just bought airline tickets for my trip to Japan in October.  @___@...... It occurred to me that, despite getting a screaming deal (I really did, too, at a total of $1,049.83) including all fees, taxes and traveler's insurance for the round trip) that this is quite possibly the most expensive thing I've ever bought in one blow.  Holy shit.

I fly out of Phoenix on 10/1/11, land in Los Angeles, spend nearly three hours there and then fly out to Seol, Korea at twenty minutes past midnight.  I land in Seol at the unholy hour of 5:00 a.m. the *next* day (calendars are weird when going to Asia) and then fly a few hours later to Osaka/Kansai International Airport, landing just before noon. My layovers look okay-- the shortest one's in Seol, only about an hour and a half during the trip back (I return on 10/21/11 by the same route) and I'm flying Asiana Airlines via Vayama Travel.  Looks like the trip is partially handled by U.S. Airways, which isn't bad.

Holy shit, I say again.  I'm actually going.  Last night was a bad night (I found out a work-friend had died unexpectedly and then managed to get myself stung by a scorpion while moving stuff in the backyard-- don't worry, it wasn't one of the powerful ones, most scorpion-stings are actually no more trouble than a wasp-sting) and have spent today thinking about... well, brevity, mostly.  I need to stop being scared to *do* things.

Hence the tickets.  Kind of an expensive way of affirming my presence and ability to act in this world, but what the hell?  It's done.  And I'm going on a trip by myself, among strangers that I hope may become friends.  I took my first step when I decided I wanted to go, my second step when I paid for my reservation, and now my third step with the tickets.  Who knows where the next one'll take me?


thinking hard, shiny!

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