Merry Christmas, SIR YES SIR!!! **salutes**

Dec 22, 2010 09:36

Hee hee. Even if you're not military, have never been married to military, divorced from military or had anything to do with military, I suspect you'll like this.  It's pretty funny.

Came home yesterday and crashed massively; I was one tired little Ysabet-- think my cold really kicked my ass-- and while I have vague memories of talking to nightengale  at some late hour, I suspect I wasn't very coherent.  Em? Apologies if I mumbled a lot; I was still really glad you called. ^__^

Forgot my phone this morning.  You know, two years ago I would've gone Oh Well, No Big Deal, but I've become such a technojunkie that I'm angsting over having left the frickin' thing on the bathroom counter.  What if Spot jumps up and knocks it on the floor where it smashes into a gazillion pieces? What if she punts it into the toilet? What if I get a call telling me that my unknown Great-Great-Uncle Zenas Otto has died and left me twelve million bucks in his will?  What if I'm over-reacting and being an idiot just to amuse myself?  Gaahhh... Of course, this would be the day that two of my family are traveling and I would've liked to be able to keep in contact, thankyouverymuch.



The hat I was worrying over is indeed too tight; I shall frog it this evening and begin anew, and this time I'm gonna follow the original hat pattern (skipping the part where it tells you to 'add six inches'. Man, must've been written by a guy, they *always* think four inches are six) and attempting to do a proper tuke-style crown. Don't want a stocking-cap with a pompom; I want a tuke! If I thought I could get away with it I'd attempt non-Euclidean knitting, but I don't really want something like that lurking atop my head.  Wonder if there're any Escher knitting patterns out there? That'd be kind of cool.

Okay, back to work with me.  Have a good day, all, and stay toasty.

holidays, knitting

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