Dec 07, 2010 09:13

Yesterday I learned two valuable lessons.  They are as follows:

1.  If, by chance, through one's own stupidity, one does not take one's blood-pressure pills for three fricking days and ends up feeling panicky and as if in the throes of massive PMS... one should have both a caring friend nearby and a lot of chocolate.  I had the first but not the second, luckily for me; I can manage without the second.  No more doing that, though; I don't want to have a stroke, thankyouverymuch, and it was not fun at all.

2.  When frogging, keep the cats away.  I'm not sure *how* many times I had to tug my yarn out of Bob's teeth.


The Hat has been frogged down to an acceptable level, about 3.5" above the border.  And I've found a pattern whose crown instructions ought to work nicely-- it's one I'd actually started on before using some yarn that looked great outside the pattern but terrible when knitted.  It's called a 'Fake Isle' pattern and actually DOES use Noro Kureyon yarn; the crown's knitted in a kind of radial 8-petaled flower with (this is the important bit) the decreases built into the design.  Should work like crazy; I've ended the original pattern, knitted a solid row of Color!A,  am knitting a row of Color!B and then charging into the design.  Am keeping my fingers crossed; this SHOULD work, and I should end up with a hat that doesn't look like something done by a dyslexic colorblind thumbless gradeschooler.

Or so I'm hoping... 

knitting, she's being weird again

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