(no subject)

Oct 18, 2010 13:12

I need to start posting more often; seems sometimes like I only post the highs and lows here, so time to remedy that.  I used to write in here a ton, not just use it to vent-- I post a TON in me and nightengale 's ThreeThieves community, but not here so much anymore; that's a little annoying, so I'll work on that.

Lessee, how about this weekend, hmm?  Well, there were a few highs and lows-- it was a mixed-bag of a weekend.  Good things this weekend:
1. Traveling up to Phoenix for GDH Kural; that was kickass and I enjoyed it a lot.
2. Getting over my bug (mostly, anyway. Still got the queasies.)
3. Having an hour and 15 minutes to shop IKEA. No, it wasn't enough to do the things I'd planned, but I'm grateful I had it anyway. Thanks, John; I really do appreciate it.
4. Getting the dates nailed down on Estrella War and camping and running the kitchen-- makes it easier to plan my leave.
5. Watching some seriously wonderful writing happen (**waves at Em**). EEEEE, so much plotting!
6. Hearing that a very sweet, very good friend has a brand-new love interest. ^__^  I'm happy for him!

Bad things this weekend:
1. Losing my much-beloved ferret Kit to adrenal disease.  Poor baby; he did his best and stayed with me as long as he could.  I'll miss him very, very much.
2. Seeing a supposed 'friend' act like a selfish asshole. Way to go, 'friend'; you just broke the camel's back.
3. Discovering that I have an Ant Invasion in my kitchen, Oh Noes! They're coming in through a tiny, tiny little gap in the frame of my kitchen window, and they're HUGE GIGANTO-ANTS. I shall buy ant-killing traps today on the way home. There aren't a lot of 'em as yet, just a few (the little bastards are a quarter-inch long!) but even one is too many.

All in all, the good things outnumber the bad ones. Losing Kit kind of overshadows everything, but it was a survivable weekend.  Next weekend'll be better-- we're going to Apple Annie's in Willcox (and this time I *will* make it to the Corn Maze, dammit! No leaving late this time!), I get my hair cut/colored on Sunday, and I'm gonna plant my Fall garden-- yay, chrysantemums, pansies and violas! And in the meantime, there will be much cuddling of ferrets going on; they miss their brother.  Bob's pretty weirded out too, poor cat; he actually walked into my lap and laid down, which is pretty damn rare.

Still haven't done that photo-download that I intended to do; all the pics are still stored on my phone, and I'd better do something about it before they go critical and eat my memory-card or something. Will try to work on that tonight.

More later...

life as i know it

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