You'd think I'd been to a war...

Feb 15, 2010 21:24

 Hello, all... Got back earlier today from Estrella War, and OMG am I exhausted.  I rolled back into Tucson aching, filthy and with a car-full of dirty camping-gear and blankets, as well as a lot of very happy memories.  I'll post more thoroughly later, but stuff that happened at the war included:

1.   I became a full member of the Great Dark Horde (I'm a brother!)
2.   I tried to boil my hands (accidentally, I swear!  Ow, blisters!)
3.   I saw freakin' TONS of old friends all OVER the place.
4.   I cooked a ginormous amount of food.
5.   I worked several long, chilly security shifts and one very interesting chiurgeon shift.
6.   I stuck suction-cup arrows all over several security golfcarts.
7.   I made S'mores in front of a very large tent-heater.
8.   I was indoctrinated into the wonders of the Wubbie.
9.   My tent went airborne.
10. I created the Shroedinger's Johannes Theory.

I shall elaborate on these in the next post.  For now, I need to eat.  **waves and staggers off**


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