Ficcage: Three Thieves (Detective Conan/Kaitou Kid), Chapter Two

Oct 23, 2009 06:23

**yaaaaaaaaaaaawn** I'm awake, I'm awake, I swear I am! Really!  No, really!!

Um, yeah.  However, I'd like to pass a new ordinance:  the owners of all dogs who're allowed to bark for 40 minutes straight before the sun comes up should be keelhauled, castrated, shaved bald, dipped in alcohol and salt, maced, redpepper-sprayed and then stuffed inside an oil drum which then gets beaten on by a pack of ravening 6-year-olds with golf clubs.  Their dogs should be given to somebody else, preferably somebody far away.  Very far away.  Very.

Annoyed at being woke up, moi?  Whatever gave you that idea?

Anyway.  Chapter Two of Three Thieves is up ("Bento, angels, brawl") and can be found here.  Me and nightengale worked/played hard on it; this one's more hers than mine, and she did a jaw-droppingly amazing job.  Enjoy, and please let us know what y'all think, hmm?

ficcage, threethieves, detective conan/magic kaitou fics

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