
Jul 12, 2009 11:57

Oh man, do I need a nap.  Moar sleep, pleez; i haz a tired.

Good day yesterday; I went to the Mons Tonitrus Arts & Sciences Competition down south in Sierra Vista and worked my arse off all day, judging and judging and judging.  The dues you pay for being a Laurel and all that.  Went to the Southern Crusades staff meeting; turns out I *AM* officially autocratting the Combat Cookery Competition, huh?  Should be fun.  I have a scenario all planned out.  **insert Evil Laughter here**

It's hotter than the 7th level of the Christian hell outside today; doing some laundry, dozing a bit, generally relaxing...  Ought to be more productive, but y'know, I need a day off.  Gonna pay bills online later, write a bit and put away laundry; that's enough productivity for a hot July afternoon, I think.

But first, I have a nap that needs catching.

LATER EDIT:  Man, if you want to see an exercise in rather smallminded animosity, take a look here.  A silly thing that blew out of proportion quickly; some people can't deal with the idea that there are other faiths out there than Christianity and that maybe, just maybe they MIGHT want to step past their own self-imposed limitations.  **sigh**  I congratulate myself that I kept my temper; wish the rather biased woman who began this and then froze it to prevent any more discussion had kept hers.  I don't give a damn what religious affiliation a person belongs to, especially while contributing to a good cause; I just wonder what she would've said if somebody in her self-proclaimed 'bible-belt town' had decided to start a Breast Cancer March team called 'Walkers For Allah' or 'Neopagan Alliance March'.  Hmm?  Silly, sad person; I wish her well anyway, but I sure hope she grows a brain.  Doubt she will, though, if she hasn't by now.

...and it seems she's disabled the comments too.  Like I said, silly and sad.  A pity.

sca, lookit me i'm doin' stuff

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