
May 26, 2009 21:06

Wow.  I have just successfully created the WORLD'S UGLIEST TAMAGO SUSHI!  They're lopsided, the proportion of egg to rice is off, the egg's a bit overcooked, I ran out of cooking-sake and had to use mirin and my rice logs are trying to fall apart.

But... they taste good.  The sweetness of the egg, the nori binding them together, the vinegar in the rice... it all tastes correct.  So I guess I didn't do such a bad job after all, did I?  And besides, I ate them with bacon on the side; bacon makes everything  better.  XD

Today was my 48th birthday.  Didn't know I was that old?  Yup, I am; in two years I'll be hitting my half-century mark if I'm lucky.  And it was a good day, and it sort of started with yesterday-- we had a Memorial Day/We-Don't-Hafta-Work/Ysabet's!Birthday thing over at Sarah & William's; I figured that a lot of my friends'd be having their own M-day celebrations so it was pretty small-- me and Sarah & William & Alex-the-Small & Linda & John & Jackalyn & Icka.  We munched on things, ate marvelous icecream-cake, and watched a huuuuge amount of Teen Titans eps because, well, they were playing a marathon on Cartoon Network and we all got hooked like zombies at a brains buffet.

So that was comfortable and warm and good, and I got some really nice gifts (and had to take posession of the Traditional Cheesecrack Birthday Fish-Hat... don't ask....) and it was a great evening.  And today at work I got a beautiful card with kittehs on it and we all went out to Yoshimatsu and (gasp!) several of my coworkers actually ordered sushi and the rest actually enjoyed their yakisoba, udon, gyoza, etc.  Why is this so shocking? Because in the past when I've tried to drag 'em out for different foods, some of them have acted like I was trying to shove poison down their throats.  But then, that was a while ago; some of the group have moved on, thank the gods, and the newer lot are a bit more adventuresome than the old.  So-- excellent lunch; I pigged out.  And then I got this MAGNIFICENT little chocolate mousse torte at the end of the lunch with sliced strawberries, very Japanese a la French Cuisine (which is what a lot of Japanese bakery goods are like, not counting the really traditional ones) and THEN after we got back to work we had *another* cake, also chocolate mousse but more like a marriage between sponge-cake and a very light cocoa-truffle mousse.  MMMMMM OM NOM NOM.

**burp**  'Scuse me.

So:  good day.  And edwired , bless him, gave me a gift-card at ThinkGeek which I shall use on either something silly like this or something practical like this.  Or on something with zombies in it, I dunno.  ^________^  Ed, you rock!

And then I came home and... other good stuff happened via email; just-- good stuff.  The party involved knows who they are, and they were brave and I'm proud of them.  So yeah; good day.  And then I cooked bacon and made the tamago sushi and now I think I shall just lie here for a while.  BTW, I made the bacon using a method I got from copperbadge and which I *think* he got from Alden-- you line a baking-tray with foil and then a couple of sheets of paper-towel and then you top that with a cooling-rack, and then you put bacon on THAT and stick the whole thing in a cold oven and turn it on to 375 and let it bake for 30 or whatever minutes.  The bacon was amazingly crispy with no grease on it at *all*; it was lovely and probably about as healthy as bacon can be, which isn't very, but still.

Anyway.  To everybody who wished me a happy birthday?  You got your wish!  And I got several of mine, too.  Who can ask for more than that?  --okay, I lie, I'd love a really good full-body massage right now... but you can't have everything.  ^__^

birthdays, goodthings

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