Fanfic plagiarist warning for Detective Conan fans...

May 08, 2009 00:26

Hello; just a friendly word of warning for the fanfic writers out and about. There's a plagiarist on Quizilla with the name of xSHaDoWxNiiTExFEeVax (good gods) who has to date stolen and posted as her own a YuYuHakusho/Harry Potter fic written by joisbishmyoga , whom many of you will be familiar with due to her excellent Detective Conan works and her blog on Livejournal.

The original fic written by jo can be found here:
The plagiarist's post can be found here:
Her comments on LJ can be found here:

This thief has also been identified as having stolen at least two other writers' works and posted them as her own. She has been warned by jo, given time to remove the theft... and then (having posted five chapters as her own) blatantly stated her intent to post the rest.

This is *wrong*. Me, I've reported her to Quizilla-- a thief is a thief is a thief, and joisbishmyoga  no more deserves to be stolen from than any other writer, good or bad. People? If you don't like xSHaDoWxNiiTExFEeVax's act of theft, go and report her; you have to get a login with Quizilla to do so, but it's worth it. Jo's a good person, a devoted DC fan and an excellent writer; this little piece of crap, on the other hand, deserves to be booted hard where it hurts.

Thanks............ Ysabet

pissed, wtfuckery

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