This weekend: SCA and Madera, my dear

Jan 16, 2009 12:39

SATURDAY:  Polling-day for the Barony of Tir Ysgithr and the Tourney of the Trees, which sounds interesting.  I'm looking forward to it; polling-day has a lot of nostalgia to it for me, and oh my dear GODS I just realized that my ex is supposed to move back this or next month so he might be there, AAAAAAAAAAGH.   Well, WTF.  If he is, I'll just deal with it; I'll be among friends.  I've been getting all sorts of interesting reports about the activities, showings and behavior of the possible proto-baron/ess/s-- what do you call 'em, 'incumbants'?  'Runners'?  Dunno-- and I've been approached by two of the couples for advice on a few matters, which I won't go into.  But I wish them all a fair try, contentment (or at least acceptance) of the results, and I hope the ones elected get the support of all those who who are not.  I think it's gonna be pretty close.  Yes, I've made up my mind on who I choose; no, I'm not saying, not now nor later.  No, Icka & John, not even to y'all, so hush.

SUNDAY:  It's supposed to be 74 degrees in Madera Canyon on Sunday.  I am SO going there on Sunday, now that I have a car with a radiator that works properly (thanks to John, who I now dub Patron Saint of Little Green Cars.)  I need to get out badly, badly, badly.  ^_________^  Streams and hills of Madera, here I come!

And to those of you who responded to my last post and are awaiting stick-figures and 5-line fics, I'm working on them!  Y'all are EVIL.  EVIL, I SAY.  -__-  Hopefully they'll be up next, if I'm not writing about this weekend instead.

Okay now, lunchtime.  Hungry Ysabet iz hungry!  =^_^=


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