I can has working Honda, pls?

Jan 11, 2009 22:43

So: we got my new radiator installed in my car; it took two days (and 'we' consisted mostly of my friend John plus a bit of help from Yours Truly; John, you're a saint) but seems to be doing just fine.  And now I'm home after visiting at another friend's house for dinner and rather cranky and tired.  BUT!  I have a working car!  Now if the rest of my world'd work the same way...  Oh well.  You can't fix writing problems with parts that you buy at the store, or personal annoyances with an oil-change; just doesn't happen.  I should count my blessings and all that.  And I *did* have a good weekend-- we got the car fixed and I went to the last of the local Twelth Night parties on the way home, which was fun. But I'd been unable to log with Shadow as planned due to stupidly leaving my laptop at home (huge apologies, tranquil_ashes ) which sucked; hopefully we can pick back up again later this week and finish the new one.  So godsdamn tired of being stuck in 2007 in DE!  Aaaaagh!!!  **kicks unfinished logs**

Hey, Morgan?  When you read this could you please check the floor of your van to see if I dropped my mp3 player?  It's small, rectangular, black and ninja-like, and it wasn't anyplace else I suspected it might be.  o_O

Tomorrow I shall post the promised massive-pic-dump-of-doom (including one particular one from this weekend); in the meantime I shall take my grouchy self to bed.  G'nite, all.

LATER EDIT:  Forgot to mention this when I posted, but it deserves the edit due to the Highly Freaky Quality of the event.  Last night when I went over to my friend Deb's house for dinner, I parked against the curb opposite her place.  It's a quiet street with older houses, fairly broad, no businesses along there other than a small church on one corner.  Got there about 7:30, left around 10... and when I went out to my car, somebody had spraypainted a very perfect dashed line around it on the pavement.  Very perfect, very regular, a half-circle running from curb to curb where I was parked.  WTF??  Thought it was chalk at first, but no... white spray-paint.  No graffiti, no other marks, none of the shorthand that government pavement markers put down to show a proposed change/addition/whatever... and no dents or tickets either.  I was parked legally.  Again, WTF?  Me and my friend Lizzie stared, walked around the car, and chalked it up to aliens.  So I drove home.  But this morning there's a notice from her in Facebook that her car (she was parked a bit away from me) had *also* been spraypainted around in the same fashion.  Third time, WTF???  Any ideas about this out there?  Keep in mind, it was done on a Sunday night after 7:30 p.m., so government workers are not likely and, well, if it's a graffiti-artist, they're pretty good on the freaking-people-out and bad on the art thing.  ???

growling at the world, wtfuckery

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