Random moment of postingness

Dec 19, 2008 06:40

Here I sit, knitting to-be-felted catnip mice for selling on my Etsy account prior to getting ready for work.  And several things occur to me:

1.  The bloody size 10.5 dpn needles (oak, very sharp, 7" long) keep ending up under me every time I sit down on my bed.  I could leave them across the ROOM and they'd end up right under where I'm sitting somehow.
2.  As mentioned, they're really really sharp.  I made 'em, I *like* sharp knitting needles.  Polished the hell of of 'em too.  Yes, really sharp.
3.  They could potentially HURT me.
4.  So, if I'm found having died of a stabbity kind of death, please keep in mind that it was almost certainly accidental.  Yep, I'm gonna end up staked like a vampire if I keep doing this.  Or at the very least, visiting the local Emergency Room with a really embarrassing injury.
5.  But anyway, if either of these things happen, don't go looking for a culprit, 'cause it'll be my fault.
6.  ...........wow; I could write a murder mystery with that plot, couldn't I?  Person A keeps getting warned by Everybody that they'll hurt themselves if they keep sitting on their humongous Needles Of Doom, only to be found impaled ded ded ded later on in a yep-that-was-an-accident fashion; only it wasn't, it was Person B, who hid beneath the couch and reached up through the cushions to stab Person A to death through a kidney.
7.  BRRRRRRRRRRRR.... I don't wanna be stabbed to death, accidentally or otherwise.  I shall therefore from now on be more careful about where I put my needles.
8.  See?  I can learn from my mistakes!

This pointless bit of rambling was brought to you by the Committee For We'd Like To Stay Home Today Instead Of Working.  Stay tuned for future announcements.

In other news, my brother's doing well enough in the hospital that they may even let him out today!  The stents are holding and his heart's functioning well; it did receive some damage (not surprising), but he's well enough to be really cranky, which is a good sign.  ^_______^

knitting, she's being weird again

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