Oh coldmeds, why are you so weird to me?

Dec 11, 2008 16:08

Meh.  Stayed home today due to feeling like I'd been dragged bass-ackwards through a hedge-- feverish, no energy, sore throat, biiiiig booming headache behind the eyeballs...  Thank gods I got a freaking ton done yesterday at work (and I really did; yesterday was Let's-Give-Ysabet-Some-Projects Day or something.)  So, I've slept away most of today, eaten a little, read a little, knitted a little...

And because I was feeling better I got up to felt a couple of knitted bits from a holiday-present-thingy I'm working on.  Now, those of you who knit/felt know how it's done; for those of you who don't, you apply very very hot water, liquid soap, and lots of movement and rubbing to the knitted bit to purposefully shrink it, matt it together and turn it into one solid mass of fibers rather than a tangled string.

So:  I'm simmering a piece of knitting in soapy water, and my coldmeds-sodden brain (or one of its inhabitants, not naming any names here) tosses up a line in a bright, cheerful voice:  "I like my men like I like my felt:  hot, soapy and agitated."

-___-  Whut?

I never come up with stuff like this when I'm coldmeds-free, I swear.  Again I say, whut?  Does anybody else do this under the hand of the Coldmeds God?  Tell me!  Tellllll meeeeeeeeeee!!!

wtfuckery, knitting, she's being weird again

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