
Nov 25, 2008 07:11

|Am feeling slightly better, but think I'm still running fever.  Am massively cranky and not wanting to go to work; just checked my forehead, and uh-uh, not going in, 'cause getting coworkers sick two days before Thanksgiving would be ALL sorts of good.  I'll call the appropriate people (have already called my boss) and take care of whatever I can.

Crankiness, yes.  Why?

1)  People who can't see the bloody forest for the trees.  Hello?
2)  Worries about money (rent's going to be TIGHT this month!  Ow.  So-- I'm supposed to pay the rent, all the utilities and buy food.  Uhuh.  Yeah, I can do that.)
3)  Pounding in head due to stupid cold/flu-bug/plague/godsdamn fever.  Hate feeling sick, and I still have damn chills.
4)  Worries about family; my sister's doing better but my mom's falling to bits.  Had a reeeeeal interesting phone call.
5)  Car seems to be dripping/spewing fluid-- not lots, but some.  And I make how much an hour?  Sure, I can pay for repairs!  Great.

Why do all these things sneak into my dreams when I'm sick?  Dreamed about ALL of them, sometimes at the same time as in 'having-a-fight-with-a-friend-while-my-car-was-breaking-down-in-the-middle-of-the-road'  dream and the the 'trying-to-fly-back-home-to-family-but-all-the-planes-were-covered-in-ice' one.  BLEAGH.  More sleep, less dreams.  Had a couple of odd fun ones, though, one about hang-gliding.  I've never been hang-gliding in my life, but frequently when I'm sick I dream about it.  Why is that?  Think I was on a beach somewhere.

Sorry.  Cold meds make my brain go all warped.  **waves a grouchy hand at the world**  Deal with it, at least I lj-cut the entry.  Taking cold-meds, going back to bed.  I *will* be okay for the Coldplay concert tomorrow night, lil_1337  and ferretgirl_1124 , I promise.

Tea and bed now, interspersed with irregular bouts of knitting.  Gonna produce hyperlinked non-euclidian multi-dimensional scarves, just you watch.  They'll probably have tentacles.

growling at the world, godsdamn finances, health

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