
Nov 16, 2008 06:53

So: it's 6:53 a.m. on a Sunday, and I"m up and awake.  Why?

'Cause I had planned on either going hiking or to the local SCA demo, and was going to get up at 7 anyway.  However, Mother Nature in the form of Something Really Painfully Unpleasant woke me up at 5:20 this morning and sent me scurrying to the bathroom, where I stayed for the next hour and a half.  I can't think of a single detail that I really want to extrapolate on, but if you include the word 'faucet' in there somewhere as well as 'nausea', I think y'all will get the picture.  Thank the gods for hot baths.  And towels.  Wow, cold sweats are so much fun.

So: feeling wretched.  Staying home, doing houseworkish things and probably watching eps of Sanctuary, which I've been downloading.  Right now all I want to do is curl up under the blankets; food poisoning?  I had some leftover tomato soup last night, but it'd been in a sealed container in the fridge and was only 2 days old; kind of doubtful, so it's probably a bug.

**whinewhinewhine** Going back to bed now, bye.

badthings, health

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