
Oct 23, 2008 18:35

WOW, massively sucky day at work.  Yes.  I'd rather not relive the details, but let's just say I totally lost it in my supervisor's office at last; they asked me to do too much, and I hit a wall.

But, y'know, maybe this was a good thing; I honestly and truly shocked my supervisor (not my Big-Boss but my Sub-Boss; Big-Boss is on vacation right now) and I think that finally, finally she got it through her head that not only have I been overwhelmed for months by too much work, it's not going to get better without help.  We've increased our coordinator staff without increasing support, of which I'm 1/3; the other 2/3 don't touch what I do-- one of 'em doesn't even know how even slightly.  And the workload's only going to grow.

So, they came up with a new project; I could deal with that, it's an ongoing thing that's a good idea.  But then they tried to turn it into something huge and time-consuming and entirely mine to do and yeah, I lost it; tears and all.  Man, I hate crying in front of people!

Then again, if this gets me some help at work, it was worth it.


Okay!  Tucson's 3rd Zombie March (the Brains & Grains Tour) is tomorrow night, so I shall spend Friday evening staggering through the city streets as a member of the Undead.  I'll post pics afterwards, I promise.  In the meantime, remember:  A Brain Is A Terrible Thing To Waste.

zombies, badthings

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