Saturday stuff

Oct 12, 2008 10:16

^__^  Had a GREAT time on Saturday at Dragon's Hoarde; I've always loved this event, but considering the weather (threatening rain and delivering it on occasion all day long) didn't expect to enjoy myself as much as I did.  But I had a blast; I spent most of the day beneath the main tent (the 'Pig') knitting and jabbering with a bunch of ladies who were also working away on projects, with the occasional accompaniment of their lords or children.  And I completed a sock!  One of the green ones with the leaf in cream on the heel... when I have both done, I'll post pics of 'em up here and on Ravelry.  Oh, and at Ari's suggestion I also joined Ravelry's SCA_Laurel's list there; looks good.

You know, that's the first in-town SCA event I've spent the entire day at in ages; and it's the first one I've had that good a time at in a long while too, mostly due to having Devora, Ari, Megs and all the rest around-- it really was nice.  Why was it so much better?  Because I was working on something and talking with people who were also working on projects...  I just do NOT handle leisure at SCA things well, I guess.  And Mistress Magdalyn talked to me about singing at Coronation with Simon, which sounds great; I miss singing-- I mean, I did it for 9 years with the local group before it broke up and for three or four years before that.  My alto's probably pretty rusty, but I can still sight-read just fine.

Had a short, quietish DE meeting last night; it was good to see Tav and Kiro all freshly married and everything.  XD  Sure wish I could've been there, but Canada's a bit of a ways off; I really would like to visit it someday, though... wonder if I could find the town my Grandmama came from in Quebec?  I guess I could ask my cousin Alexandra, she's pretty much the only relative I know of from that side of the family.

Today's going to be an at-home day, doing laundry; if I don't get some clean clothes ready I'm gonna be making some very interesting fashion-statements next week, i.e. going to work without underwear and in some rather peculiar combinations.  No thanks.  So it's Laundry Day and knitting-while-doing-laundry time; Morgan, I'm gonna redo those blue socks I was working on-- they're just turning out TOO huge, I think they'd be big even on Sean-- and make you some black ones with a skull-and-crossbones motif, like these.  Somehow I think they'd suit you better.   XD

And!  And and and!  I finished the Sekret Project I was working on.  Can't post pics until after it's been sent and received, but I shall then.  **dances**

Okay, time to sort the laundry..... **yawns**

sca, knitting

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