I makes things!

Sep 22, 2008 06:44

PRODUCTIVE WEEKEND.  No, I didn't get a chunk of stuff I wanted done (like finishing the ferret room) but I grocery-shopped and paid bills and knitted my fingers off (still gloating about turning the heel; now on Sock #2 'cause I'm doing 'em both at the same time from two matching balls of yarn).

Also, I made these:

Yes, they're double-pointed needles, size 3.  Like I said in a previous post, I don't see why I should pay $6 for something I can make out of less than a buck-anna-half's worth of materials and a little effort.  XD  The part of me that's a Laurel is nodding, and would like to explain that Anybody Who Does A Craft Should Try To Make The Tools Involved As Well.  But then, Laurels are psychos, we all know that.

Aaaand!  And and and!  I made THESE:

They're also in a previous post, and they worked BEAUTIFULLY.  Had 'em in my bedroom all night long-- the mason-jars are frosted with Krylon Glass-Frosting Spray to a matte-white finish, and they shed a surprising amount of light.  This morning, 8 hours later, they were still glowing; gonna put 'em outside to recharge, but I don't see why I can't make a chunk of these for future SCA events.  They'll come in REALLY handy for lighting a tent and the surrounding area!  Anybody who'd like to know how they're done, talk to me or go here.  I didn't have access to the 4"-across IKEA jars that you'd need to mount the works to the inside of the lid, so I improvised; in the comments below the entry you'll find one from me, telling how.

A good weekend; Megan got her Boar Or, I'm told, at the Raze-A-Village event; wish I'd been there to see it happen, and congrats, Megan!   You earned it, believe me.  From what I've heard from Icka before she crashed (she was totally wiped) it was a nice event-- about 100 in attendance with a full quarter of those being archers, which is excellent!  Can't believe how much archery's increased locally, and an awful lot of it's due to my friend Johannes' urging; wish he read LJs so he'd see this, but anyway, GO JOHANNES!!!

Okay, must get ready for work.  Happy Monday, y'all!

stuff i made, sca, goodthings

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