"I think I like today / I think it's good-- / It's something I can get my head around."

Jul 26, 2008 18:30

Those're lyrics from "Good Day" by Angels & Airwaves, btw.

Had a rather cool day for a nothing-much-happening-Saturday, actually. The original intent had been to hermit somewhat; I've had a looooong week full of too many people at work, so when Icka headed off for sironamacgregor's birthday party up on Mt. Lemmon, I got my ass in gear and headed out to run errands, fully planning to get back early and veg in the quiet.

Instead, I got the errands done (which HAD to be done; necessary stuff, dammit, involving spending more money than I wanted to) and then went 'Hey, it's lunchtime... wonder what Morgan & Sean are doing?" Which resulted in lunch for the four of us at Pho '88, a Vietnamese noodle joint. Very good food, half of mine's sitting in the 'fridge to turn into dinner tonight.

And *then* we went to an herb shop (got cedar shavings, juniper tips and some more catnip) and from there to 17th Street Market, where I bought some useful foods like more packages of Pad Thai, things to send off to friends, some good Assam tea since I finished it off this morning... and then some totally, totally gratuitous stuff. English Maltesers. Two kinds of mochi. Adzuki daifuku. Two kinds of cherries. And some chocolate that, oh man... oh wow....

Here's a pic.

Let me explain. See, sometimes I think you need to treat yourself, and as I mentioned I've had a LONG week. So yeah, that's a whole hell of a lot of sweet things there, right? I'm still eating my way through 'em. But they're goooooood... and there's that chocolate, Swiss 'Camille Bloch' chocolat au cognac, the richest and creamiest milk chocolate with a syrup of real cognac inside each piece... I've never had cognac before, you see.

Hooooooooooly shit. **fans self** I think I need to lie down, or maybe take a cold shower.

...........moving on.............

So, uh. Right, where was I? Oh yeah. Downloaded some sunset shots I took the other day; y'all might like 'em, Icka showed me a spot very close to home where she takes a lot of hers. That was rather fun; we both caught some lovely ones, and the album is here. Not too shabby, if I say so myself.

A question: does anybody out there know of a good place to locate more fanfic podcasts? I've found a few communities, but nothing all that amazing. I enjoyed listening to joisbishmyoga's fic Deal so much; so I'm wondering what else is to be found.

**happy sigh** A good day. Looks like we're gonna have more rain later, and that's okay too. I have some fresh galangale root to plant that I got at 17th Street Market, and that'll settle it in nicely. Yeah, good day.

...and I think I'll have another piece of chocolate.

weather, goodthings

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