
Jul 21, 2008 06:33

Okay, anybody who wonders just HOW strong those 'monsoon season' storms I keep mentioning really are should take a look here. I ran across this short little video in my Tucson lj blog-- somebody took it the night of the 19th, when the sky tried to hammer us all into the ground. Very tropical!

Had a decent weekend, fairly quiet. I spent the first half of Saturday in (**groan**) Traffic School and the rest of it either running errands or perched at home doing some work on the sachets project while my cats lounged in the back yard. 'Lounged' may be the wrong word, actually... Bob has gotten fixated on birds; I went out to bring him in and he was watching one and actually panting like a dog with excitement.

Sunday was a housecleaning day-- I swept and mopped the kitchen, put away dishes Icka had washed, washed a few larger ones and put 'em away, changed litterboxes, did some laundry, washed the bathroom rug... I also worked more on the sachets and on the catnip mice, too, several of which are now catnip rats due to size. Two trips this weekend to JoAnne Fabrics (there was a sale) have netted me beads and some nice findings to use on the sachets; think I'll be busy with those for a few days. Bob continued his stakeout of the backyard and succeeded in taking down a poor little sparrow, which I found him plucking feathers off of (in order to eat, I guess); when he saw me, he jumped up, grabbed it, and headed my way. So I made a fuss over him, got him inside and discreetly buried the sad little body... I can't scold him for being what he is; cats are predators, he did the most rewarding thing his genes tell him to do, so... but I won't let him eat it. OR bring it inside; definitely not.

Worked on DE stuff Sunday night with Shadow (hi, Shadow!) and chatted briefly with Leah; aaaaand I have an idea about a flashback log... That one's gonna take some work. And Shadow came up with a thought about a VERY good log with Marik and Steven; I won't spoil it for those of you who read DE, but eeeeeeeegh, that one'll be something else.

**sigh** Enough rambling; gotta start getting ready for work. Sometime this week I'm supposed to attend a "Bon Voyage" lunch at work for the Walking Hemorrhoid (who leaves this week! YES!)-- I considered coming down with a brief virus, but I figure Hey, food is food, and while she's thinking we're all saying "Best Of Luck" with our presence, I suspect quite a few of us'll actually be expressing "Don't Let The Door Hit You In The Ass On The Way Out, Okay?" by being there. XD

Happy Monday, all. May you have a stress-free week!

LATER EDIT: Just before I left for work, Bob presented me with yet another sparrow. This time the poor little fledgling (it had very short wingfeathers) was still alive and seemed mostly uninjured; I put it in a sheltered place and will hope for the best-- it was alert and moving, so with luck it'll have flown away by the time I get home. And if not, well... I did what I could.
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