Oh wow. Monday, right?

Apr 14, 2008 09:02

 @___@...... I *think* I just sent out a work email with a 'ysabet' signature on it rather than a 'Suzanne' one.  Eeeeek.  THAT will confuse a few people, won't it?  **braces self for fallout**

Had a good weekend, definitely:  
1.  I spent Saturday morning watching the local SCA shoot archery targets full of holes (I'll post pics tonight along with explanations), ran errands on the way home (mmmm, 17th Street Market!  Choco cakes! Lots of ramen and pad thai packets!  Milky tea inna can!  Nice new mortar-&-pestle!) and crashed for a few hours before heading over to Sarah & William's for Anime Night, at which we caught up on a chunk of Naruto eps.  (Man, Sai couldn't make himself more unlikeable, could he?)  William prepared a lovely, lovely batch of Kogogi Beef on rice, Morgan supplied veggies, Sean made his excellent ramen noodles and I brought two kinds of ice-cream; it was veddy, veddy good. 
2.   And then I got up the next morning and dragged my sleepy butt down to Providence Institute and had a *fantastic* hour-long massage.  Ooooooh yes.  Needed that badly, badly; the therapist was a bit hesitant as she had only worked on one former breast-cancer patient prior to me, but eventually she got the idea that my muscles are NOT where they should be and worked with the material at hand.  Damn good masseuse; I feel much better now and things aren't clicking when I roll my shoulders so much anymore.
3.  And after that I had lunch with much of the Cheese Crack group (Cheese Crackers? **ducks flying objects**) at Sushi Garden on Broadway/Alvernon; somehow I doubt that anybody in Japan ever takes slices of California Roll, drops them in tempura batter and then deep-fries them (the entire roll, yeah, maybe, but slices?) but dear GODS they were good.  And so was the rolled creme cake, which everybody kept stealing from my plate.  RRRRRRRrrrrrrrrrrr.....  Try that again and I shall eat your fingers.  With wasabi and pickled ginger.
4.  And me and Em chatted muchly last night; she had passed along to me and others a song that I really rather liked ('The Nicest Thing' by Kate Nash, very wistful and almost sad; good song) and in return I sent her and the rest 'Amazed' by Poe (right here if anybody wants to download it).  Aaaaand I now have downloaded not just the first ep of the new Doctor Who season (got it the other night along with the last ep of this season's Torchwood) but the second ep as well; haven't watched any of 'em yet, which hopefully I'll do this evening.
5.  And then I went to bed.  And dreamed of things I wasn't exactly happy with..... well, okay I didn't quite have nightmares, because I kept waking myself up right at the edge as one would start.  Not a restful night at all, but hey-- no nightmares!  I'll sleep better tonight.  ^__^  And Icka told me this morning when I was leaving that she had dreamed about mouse-based live, moving archery targets, so I guess I wasn't the only one.

cheese crack, sca, dreams

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