Mar 16, 2008 19:44

Aaargh. Over the last few hours the temp has dropped drastically and it has gone from a partially cloudy day to cold, cold, bone-numbing, pneumonia-inducing rain.  Ewww ewww ewww.  Yes, I *do* realize that 41 degrees F is not anything like world-record-setting cold, and my friends in Canada can stop pointing and laughing NOW if you please, but still.  This is Arizona, for crying out loud!  And it's MARCH.  We should all be in t-shirts!  **sulks**  I bought more plants this morning-- three kinds of tomatos, two kinds of squash, a bunch of random assorted delphiniums, snapdragons and marigolds.  And I *would've* bought bags of potting-soil and started filling the raised bed I built yesterday if the sky hadn't started mizzling down on me... XP  Heh; I do realize that in 3 months or so I'll be praying for rain, and we won't get any for a while.  But, as I said, still.  I shall buy soil and plant the poor things tomorrow.

...and I have to interject here that I have bought what can only be called a Perverted Tomato Plant.  It's a new variety; the fruit's green and oblong, oddly cucumber-like .  And the name of the variety is 'Cream Sausage.' I shit you not, folks.  And I shall leave you to make of that what you will; I'm sure you'll need no encouragement.

( Random pic of Bob, btw; lookit the light brown eyes!  LATER EDIT: LOLCAT VERSION!)

And NOW, for your entertainment:  A meme, ganked from both my friends lazulisong and ytak.  **drumroll, please**

If any of you bastards bother to show up for my funeral, please be aware that there will be a nice lady at the door (my little sister Denise, probably, she'd have fun with this) and she will have tags that say
MY NAME IS __________ AND
I AM YSABET'S______________.
She will have a Sharpie, and she will write your name and your relationship to me. I will be haunting the vicinity and I will expect to see them slap on your party dresses. If you can't give a satisfactory answer the nice lady will write down whatever she deems fit, such as ETERNAL RIVAL or LOVE SLAVE.  So:  fill in the blanks, hm?

quizzes & memes, furpersons, weather

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