MEME! And Things. Yes, things.

Jan 14, 2008 06:53

Ahhhh... one of those weekends where I was supposed to get things accomplished, right?  Well, actually I did; not ALL the stuff I should've, but still.  Lessee:  I got a log finished in
domino_effect_ called 'Occupational Hazards (anybody who reads my ficcage and wonders what the hell I write when I'm not doing the other stuff needs to go there, 'cause it's a GREAT rpg, there are some *seriously* damn fine writers there), worked on some more writing stuff, did laundry (4 loads!), did dishes (ew), cleaned out a bloody huge fishtank (ick, quite literally), made blueberry muffins, bought prezzies (! XD), scrubbed sinks, drank a LOT of tea, read porn, *wrote* porn, bought manga, read manga, got rid of not-gonna-be-worn garb and unneeded fabric and didn't get enough sleep.

The garb... glad I gave that stuff away and kept what I did.  See, I had this bunch of SCA court-dresses that I had made back when I was baroness; they were ALL matching outfits to things I'd made for my ex.  I wouldn't wear 'em again, couldn't wear them again... no.  Just the thought makes me want to throw up.  So, I gave them away... kind of hated to in a way, because some of them are NICE.  But it all went to people who needed and wanted them, and they'll look good on them.  Why is letting go of stuff so damn hard?  **sigh**  What I kept is all garb without specific attachments, or at least the attachments aren't to my ex, they're to events or other stuff; I can deal with that.

I wonder if he did the same sort of thing?  You know, back when I was clearing out my stuff from the house in preparation to moving out just before the divorce, I came THIS close to piling all his garb in the backyard and setting it on fire.  The only reason I didn't was respect for some of the work that had gone into it, because a lot of it wasn't by him.... okay, that and my godsdamned conscience, which said that this was not good karma.  But every now and then, oh, I wish I had done that.  I wish I had.
That'll do.  Didn't clean the damn ferret-room yet due to a lack of litter (will buy some on the way home); said House!Weasles are on my shit-list today, as they managed to climb up and knock over the modem somehow last night.  I had to fish it out from behind the computer desk this morning with the aid of a roll of duct-tape and a lot of perseverance (don't ask; it was difficult).  So tonight's ferret-room cleaning; eew.  But! At least the aquarium's clean!  Do y'all KNOW how long it takes to drain a 30-gallon aquarium and how hard it is to do so when the godsdamn beta refuses to be caught?  Had to scoop the freaking fish out in my hands, finally-- I got the rest out with a net, but he scooted around like SpeedRacer on drugs.  Tank looks good now, though-- no more ick-floaties.  Thanks for the fish advice, Em!

Also snitched this meme from
nightengale as well:
One little compliment can make you feel amazing. So give me a compliment, anything in the entire world, even that my shoelaces are pretty. Put this in your journal. And once you get some comments, put that entry in a memory or tag and when you are feeling down, just go to that entry and this will remind how great you are.

Nice idea!  ^__^  Be sure, I'll reciprocate.

sca, quizzes & memes, loved

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