Ah hab a code id by node...

Dec 31, 2007 18:52

...actually, I have a cold in my entire HEAD.  A very drippy cold.  It's been sneaking up on me over the last week or so, and today it decided to pounce.  I don't feel all that bad internally-- no fever, no nausea, no chills-- but as for external symptoms, oh yeah; sniffle, sniffle, dripdripdrip eeeew.  Yuck.

No biggie, though.  Here I sit with a bowlful of Pad Thai with egg (which Icka usually makes; I tried to follow what she usually does, since she's off at Elinor's place *also* being a sickie, only worse than me, poor thing) and a huge cup of Kuan Yin tea, well fortified with a dose of Sudafed.  The Sudafed'll put me out like a light in an hour or two, so Happy New Year to everybody ahead of time.

Been an interesting year, one of my weirder ones.  Let's break it down into pieces just for fun while we still have a brain:  places, people and things...

Places:  I've traveled to my hometown back in Florida, to New York City, and to the Grand Canyon; I visited one of my favorite hot springs in New Mexico twice, once on my own and once with friends; I crawled through a lava-tube cave.  Not too shabby!

People:  I made new friends this year-- Megs, who I knew a little last year but know better now; the domino_effect_ people, Em and Scylla and Sorcha and Shadow and Kiro and Tav and all the rest, priceless treasures (and Red! and Joey and Tristan and Seto and...); I've met people briefly that I'll remember for the rest of my life, and maybe forgotten a little more about the ones I wish to forget.  I hope so.  And I got Bob and Chai, who are furpersons and therefore belong in this category.

Things:  I made socks!  Aaand... learned a little more Japanese!  And wrote more!  And did more SCA!  And bought a new bed and a futon! And set up a new aquarium!  And  added to my tattoo!!  And learned how to cook several new  dishes (yay, I made  Volcano Cakes, an ambition of mine for ages.) And I danced in a dragon-costume from one end of the NYC Halloween Parade to the other for hours and hours!  HAH!!!  XD  XD  XD

As I said, not too shabby.  Now, the negative things:

**sigh** Still carrying a grudge against my godsdamn Ex.  Still hurting in places that ought to be at the least scabbed over by now, for crying out loud.  Not any more tolerant towards idiots at work.  No more good with my money than I used to be-- if anything, I'm a bit more spendthrift because I have some leeway, and that needs to stop.  Still fatter than is healthy for me; still not exercising like I should-- eating better, I think, but not exercising.  Still haven't written a bloody novel, though I have several rather promising starts, I think.  Still slowly losing my older sister to cancer... and against that last one, the rest seem very petty.

But I can't fix that.  What can I fix?

I can exercise more.  I can watch the triple-damned spending.  I can watch my temper.  I can try, TRY to remember that the assholes at work will eventually go away and consider the work that I have to do, not the blatant stupidity that occasionally surrounds it.  I can buckle down and work on the freaking novel.

Right.  Guess they call them 'Resolutions' because, well, they're easy to make but you need to be resolute to carry them through.  Let's see in three months how well I've done, hm?
Happy new year to you all-- 2008, the Year Of the Rat, supposedly a lucky year; let's hope so.  **hugs all and sundry**

goodthings, badthings, health

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