
Dec 06, 2007 22:29

Still sickish here, though I'm feeling maybe a little better.  Me and Icka and Megs all went out for Japanese after they both got off work; I ate more than I thought I would, so hopefully I'll feel well enough to go to work tomorrow.  If I don't, though, I'm not gonna push it; I don't want to get other people sick too-- been running fever all day long.  Feh.

I did do one thing, though-- got some updated pics of my five furry kids, and you can find them here, all neatly labeled and commented on.  The one with Chai looks like he's trying to eat the camera (which, of course, he was.)  I had one hell of a time getting shots of everybody-- they will NOT stop moving.

Okay, bed for me now; head's pounding.  G'nite.

furpersons, health

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