NYC: 10-30-07 - This is not the Blog you're looking for, move along, move along...

Oct 31, 2007 08:44

Tuesday, 10/30/07-Okay, since I won’t get back in time to post tonight, thought I’d go ahead and write today’s stuff down… Once again, things did NOT go as planned (imagine my surprise.) Did I get up and go shopping in Soho/Greenwich Village? Did I go to the Aquarium over in Brooklyn? Why, how kind of you to ask; uh, no…

I got up to one pair of screaming legs, i.e., I overdid it seriously yesterday. So I lolled around until nearly 1 p.m. feeling sorry for myself and rubbing my calves, by when I had decided that Today Was Not The Day To Go Shopping. So, where did I go? Well… *almost* to Soho; went to Noho instead, to eat lunch and check out bookstores and the Panya (a well-recommended Japanese bakery.) And of course I walked my freaking FEET off. But, you know, it was nice anyway-I ate lunch at a Moroccan place called Mogador’s (grilled lamb kebobs over rice, tender enough to melt on the tongue and pretty cheap), found me some books-Em, I’m rereading #1 of the Dresden files right now-and picked up a metric shitload of pastries at the Panya, takoyaki and chestnut-crème cake and curry buns and adzuki buns… mmm, dessert and dinner and breakfast for less than $15. Man, I love Japanese bakeries; if y’all ever have the chance, check one out. **happy**

Saw a few very memorable sights down in Noho (the name, btw, as is true for Soho as well to those ignoramuses like myself who had to be informed, comes from being north or south of Houston Street), such as a Verizon commercial being filmed on St. Mark’s Place while I ate lunch-it was right out the windows… chalk outlines of bodies on the sidewalk up the street from the restaurant; I don’t know if they were really from a murder, but it sure looked that way… more tattoo and piercing shops than I’ve ever seen in one place before… two TV producers arguing over scripts at the table behind mine at Mogador’s… Think maybe I love Noho nearly as much as I do Soho and Greenwich Village, just for the pure seething mixture of the place.  It bubbles.

And tonight I go to see Blue Man Group perform at the Astor Place Theatre at 8 p.m. Am really, really REALLY looking forward to that; I’ll add to this tomorrow prior to posting, but now I’m gonna finish my chestnut crème cake and take a nap.

10/31/07 - HAPPY HALLOWEEN, EVERYBODY! And a blessed Samhain, too! **waves at the rest of the neopagans out there**

My thoughts on Blue Man Group from last night: …….erq[wrt9iywurepagfdjsOE[FPGKDJ’BKLFAG’JE
P[wo]eqRpogfauh’yds[ut9rq83]40592302ric’topggijrq’j!!!#@$%!!!! Wow…. Yeah, that pretty much sums it up. I mean, the SOUND and the VISUALS and the PAPER and the PLUMBING and the CAPTAIN CRUNCH… If you haven’t seen it, you won’t get what I’m saying; if you have, you still haven’t seen the same show I saw, because how the hell could each one be the same? Probably the same props, but still. One funny thing: I ended up seated at 3 rows behind the ‘splash zone’, which was fine (aisle seat, great view), right next to a 60ish guy that might as well’ve been a corpse. Fat, stuffy, unmoving; grunted irritably when I clapped and screamed and stomped my feet. He finally got his wife (or whoever that unfortunate woman was) to trade places with me after thumping his leg up and down angrily in a hint for me to stay still (in a Blue Man Group showing? Was he nuts??) and after the show I heard him announce that the performance ‘was well enough, except for the excessive noise.’ Okay, yes he *was* bugfuck nuts; noise? BMG are noise. Is noise. One of those.

I only have two pics from the evening (they didn’t allow ‘em during the performance.) Here y’all go; the one of me is dreadful, though, the guy who I lent my camera to snapped it while I was looking up at the lights, which were in my eyes, so meh; oh well, whatever. I had a fantastic time, so I don’t care.
Am posting this early Halloween morning prior to heading down to Greenwich Village to buy souvenirs like a good little tourist, possibly extend my left-hand tattoo, drink some nice beer and eat some unusual food somewhere unplanned, and then head back to get ready for the parade. My call’s at 5:15 at the corner of Dominick and 6th; I’m to wear black, which is why I left my kitsune-costume at home. They didn’t say anything about facepaint, though… so I picked up basic colors to do a fox-face anyway. Tomorrow I shall spike my hair nicely, paint myself up in rust and white and black, and head out to have a wonderful time. Ahh, the joys of Vacation!Anonymity; you can act like an idiot in public and not worry, because you don’t know anybody and they don’t know you! (Not that knowing my audience has ever stopped me before… XD)

May everybody have the Best Halloween Ever! Will post again later, probably the next evening.  **turns into a pumpkin and skitters off on little rootlike legs**


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