NYC: 10-25-07 (Thursday)

Oct 25, 2007 21:48

Yeeeeeeeowtch, do my feet ache.... you know what I need?  I need some of these handsome Italian NY guys to give me a footrub.  Hell, I'd settle for a non-Italian guy; it's just that daaaaaaamn, some of 'em are very nice on the eyes indeed.  Fun to watch walking away, too.  **takes time out to drool for a moment**  Sorry; but it's a nice bit of local scenery, and I *am* a tourist, am I not?  I'm here to see the sights!!!

...all of em...


Okay, out of the gutter I go.  Just got back from the Merchant's House Museum Ghost Tour, which wasn't quite what I expected but was VERY well done indeed.  They had actors (really, really excellent ones, too, in utterly drop-dead (hah) perfect period dress) re-enacting scenes from the house's history, from the original owners right down to the maidservants.  And it all revolved around the original owner's death and his eldest daughter's vow to stay with the house forever; naturally, or perhaps I should say supernaturally, Miss Gertrude Tredwell has been seen many times around her old home, where she died at the age of 93 in the very bed in which she had been born.  This Sunday there's a re-enactment of her father's funeral, complete with his coffin being borne to the local cemetary down the road; mourners are invited to attend (and to wear early Victorian funereal blacks if they have them); black armbands will be supplied.  If all goes well, I'll be there-- it's such a Halloweenish thing to do.  I'm NOT really such a Goth, but... in the spirit of the season and all.....  I mean, how often does one get the chance to attend a Victorian entombment?  @__@

It really was a good tour, very creepy.  Our tourguide was a stunningly beautiful Jamaican woman with the most magnificent voice; of all the ethnic groups I've seen in this city so far, the Jamaicans have impressed me the most with just pure physical attractiveness.  I mean, she was like a walking sculpture; had this odd air of almost Egyptian to her features for some reason, too... dunno why.  Anyway, had a good time.  Didn't see any ghosts... I don't think... though there was something odd for just a second on the staircase going up to the attics.  We were only using small oil-lamps for illumination, and I *swear* I thought there was a maid or somebody sitting on the stairs about 3 or 4 steps from the top-- something dark with white patches like an apron, anyway.  But when I looked again, there was nobody there.  Trick of the dark or of my brain, wanting to see what might or might not be there?  Or a memory of the house?  Or a real spirit?  Don't have a clue.  Thought it was one of the actors for a second, then... not there.  That's all.

Not an unfriendly feeling place; a little cold, but... well.  Anyway, I'm glad I went.  Quite a beautiful house.

Tonight (or rather early tomorrow) I head out to Pittsburgh to visit Em and Shadow; really looking forward to seeing them!  There are some others that'll be along too, as I understand it; and Em has a new cat, Chambray-- KIIIIITTTTYYYYYYYYYY!!!  **cheers**  Just chatted with her online; apparently she called my home number and talked briefly to Icka, thinking she was me... **snerk** Bet THAT was a wee bit confusing.  Don't worry, Icka, she's harmless!  Don't worry, Em, she doesn't bite hard!  **hides**

Oh, Icka?  Wanted to let you know-- I haven't found the book you wanted yet (went to Book Off and Kinokuya today) but I *did* pick up copies of DC 58 & 59 for you, as well as for myself (and 56 &57, which I was lacking.)  Got a prezzie for Meg too; not saying what it is yet... and I also found a movie-book for movie #... um.... the one where Ran loses her memory.  That one.

No pics tonight; didn't have time to download 'em, but I will as soon as I can-- might not be 'til Sunday night, after I get back.  I ate lunch today at the Jekyll & Hyde Club (JEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZE EXPENSIVE AAAARGH!!! Went for the French Onion Soup and a beer-- 'Magic Hat #9' was the beer brand; how could I resist that?  And if it had only been a GOOD beer, it would've been lovely.  Alas, it was mediocre) and took a bunch of shots there, once I had a new recharger and could do so.  Will post 'em later.  **waves and runs**


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