Beltaine... and Cori

Sep 15, 2007 12:06

My cat, Bel, who had bone cancer, is no longer hurting.  I called the vet and did what was necessary this morning.  Icka went along, for which I'm very glad; it's harder to turn into a total basket case if someone else is there.

Bel went very quickly, very  easily; I hope I'll recognize her when I see her again.  She was 18 and she had lived a very long life, from Germany to Florida to Nevada to Arizona; but it's never long enough, is it? Not for the ones that watch them leave.

I brought her body back home to bury, and so that Spot could see and understand.  It's not right, just having them dissapear-- Spot has a right to know what happened to Bel, and she does now; she's lying on the bed about 2 feet away, flicking her tail at me.  I don't know how animals deal with death; is it easier for them? People say that it is, but how do they know that, really?  Did I do the right thing?

I don't know.

What I do know is that Bel doesn't hurt now, and that doors open and they close.  Do I know that I'll see her again?  When she came to me 18 years ago as a 4-week-old kitten without a mom, I thought I saw the cat named Pepper that had died a year previously in her face.  Did I?  I don't know.  But I gave her a home and she was happy, and now... doors close, and then they open.  Can't say more than that.

Sooner or later I'll get a new kitten, give somebody else a home.  And if they look familiar, that'll be good; if they don't, that'll be good too.

Bel, I miss you.

Later edit:  I don't know how to handle this.  I went in to give Cori (my elderly ferret who's been being treated for a bad heart) her meds... and she had died in her sleep.  Two of my furry children on the same day.

Not dealing with this very well.  i will later, but right now I just want to curl up with Spot and Tan and Kit.  What I said earlier still goes-- doors open and close, and I hope to see them both again.  This morning when I asked the vet how the hell I had ended up running a Home for Geriatric Pets, she told me it was because I loved them and took good care of them and allowed them to live to be old; I hope that's true.  Coriander was nearly 7, the equivalent of 70 for ferrets... The vet said that with her heart like it was, even if she had been a 2-year-old her condition would've been considered grave.

To those of you who already responded, thank you for the condolences; they do help.  And I know that this is just a case of Mother Nature having particularly shitty timing.  But oh, I miss my girls.


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