^___^ Shiny!

Jun 19, 2007 17:46

EEEEEEEEEEE!!!  Have now discovered the joys of igoogle.com's 'document' option through
nightingale's kind tutelage; those of you who already know about it can just stop snickering right now, okay, and those of you who don't and who write should go take a look (you set up your igoogle.com page--already had that-- and you click on the 'more' downarrow over leftwards, then pick documents and go from there.)  Nice feature; you can set it up so somebody else can simultaneously edit what you're working in, great if you're co-writing something... or you just happen to want to *chat* and well, your workplace doesn't *allow* that...  Hee hee.  Startled the hell out of me when comments all of a sudden started writing themselves before my eyes in what I was working in; veeeery neat indeed.

Got all sorts of things going on inside my head today-- writey things, trip-making things, cookingy things...  I picked up two new Japanese cookbooks the other day at Bookman's to play with, and now want to try cooking Yose-nabe (assorted foods casserole), which is sort of an oden-like dish but with noodles and tons of fresh veggies.  Very simple broth-- dashi stock, salt, soy sauce and sake; the burden of the dish is what's cooked in it, and the recipe I'm looking at has clams, alfonsino (not sure what that is, also called kinmedai), chicken, harusame noodles, spinache rolled in chinese cabbage, daikon, carrots, bunching onions, mushrooms and edible chrysanthemum-leaves.  n second thought, I think maybe the alfonsino's a type of fish...  It all gets put together and then cooked on the table (you know, using one of those tiny stoves-- I have one) and eaten communally; very nice.  IIIIIIIIII wanna try it... --ahah!  **stares at recipe**  "Kinmedai is an oily white fish."  Maybe I could substitute grouper or snapper?

^__^  I love to cook.  Hate the cleanup, but I love to cook!

Trip-making things...  Icka & Mati (and Allie, I think?  Cool) are supposed to be hitting the Grand Canyon around the end of the month; just might end up meeting them there, I haven't been since I was 12.  And dammit, last night I talked to my little sister and she kept going "New York!  New York!  Go!" because SHE went last year and-- Of course, this after starting to do that 
domino_effect_stuff...  Heh heh; I. Am. Tempted.  I wonder what the SCA is like in New York?

The flights are really cheap later in the year..... o_O

My older sister's getting better-- well, in a way.  Still a terminal cancer case, but going off the chemo and working with the Wound Center people is allowing her legs to heal up, which is a huge relief to all of us (her the most, of course; those places on her legs were... just indescribable.)  Her hands are still pretty awful, and all of her fingernails and toenails just fell off-- they are made of the same thing as hair, so I suppose that makes sense, though it must feel very weird.  And of course, her tumors are going to start growing again almost certainly.  But you know, she's feeling more comfortable and happier and that's the important thing, the most important thing of all.  I'm glad.

Hmmm; dinner.  I'd love to say that I'm having Yose-nabe, but I suspect it's gonna be leftover salmon and some canned veggies; but such is life.  Maybe next week.... Hey, Morgan?  You reading this?  Wanna be a guinea-pig for some experimental dinner? Or-- OOH, if I go up to camp with Icka and Mati and Allie I could take along the tiny stove and a pot and all the ingredients and we could cook 'em at the campground and EAT LIKE QUEENS OF ALL ASIA.  YES.  Wooooot!!!

**makes plans**

**...goes to reheat leftover salmon...**

P.S.:  Almost forgot to do this...  Have been listening to a lot of Angels & Airwaves lately; if anybody wants the entire "We Don't Need To Whisper" album, I uploaded songs last week and here's the linkage:

01 Valkyrie Missile
02 Distraction
03 Do It For Me
04 The Adventure
05 A Little’s Enough
06 War
07 The Gift
08 It Hurts
09 Good Day
10 Start The Machine

domino effect, cookery

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