Layout change! And other stuff...

Jun 10, 2007 09:17

Looks different, doesn't it?  I figured it was time I played around with the templates for a bit and updated my journal's graphics-- it's been that 'basic blue' thing for ages, and this has been a week for changes and interesting developments.

Let's see, starting from the top:

I got to see Sarah's new baby yesterday.  They did nice work, Sarah & William did; Alex still looks rather like a swaddled burrito with a face, but when unwrapped he tends to stretch ALL the way out and relax in your arms like a cat.  Not a lot of hair, but very evenly distributed; it'll grow in nicely.  Expression:  somewhere between Winston Churchill and Alfred Hitchcock, with a healthy dose of 'Why is it so bright out all of a sudden?' thrown in for good measure.

I really loved holding him.  I may be spayed and deboobified, but apparently my mommy-instincts work just fine-- it felt good to hold a baby in my arms.  Of course, I didn't have to change him... so let's just count our blessings, shall we?

Busy day; saw PotC3 with Morgan, Sean, Linda & John.  It was just as good seeing it the second time around, and DAMN but Johnny Depp can sashay. Now I want an icon that says "Stop! Nobody move.  I just dropped me brain."  Or maybe with a picture of The Amazingly Hot Boot Scene at the end of the movie.....  **fans self**  I was speculating on Elizabeth's apparent agelessness last night-- you know, from the VERY LAST SCENE, THE ONE AFTER THE CREDITS (and if you haven't seen the movie, stop reading-- Spoilers ahoy!) and the way I think of it, well... The captain of the Dutchman isn't going to age, now is he?  And for him to come ashore to his love once every 10 years, she has to *be* there, and dying of old age would forstall that.  Therefore, his beloved is immortal as well by dint of his own immortality.  Calypso was bound in a human form, which would age... but it didn't, no more than Davy Jones' did.  Sooooo... yeah; that's why she didn't look ten years older at the very last scene any more than Will did.  Reasonable?  I think so.  Captain Elizabeth Swan, the immortal Queen of the Pirates; niiiiiiiice.

Went over to John & Linda's after the movie, and we watched Doctor Who eps; jeeze, can Martha ever kick ass.  And oh, but these were emo episodes; the one where the Doctor ends up living a life in the early 1900's as Englishman John Smith, happily involved in his life as a teacher and deeply in love with a human woman... gods, that was so sad.  And holy shit, the things he did at the end of it to the parties involved...... @_@  Stuck in a mirror, frozen as a scarecrow, dumped into the event horizon--  Lesson #1 That We Have Learned From This:  Do NOT Get The Doctor Pissed Off At You, Because You Will Live To Regret It.  Forever.  Eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeek!!!  ...and then we watched the one with the DVDs and Sally Shipton in it afterwards; excellent ep.  I love the circular (hell, spyrographed or mandalla'd) nature of time throughout the ep, and the Doctor's explanation of his gizmo:  "It goes Beep! and there's stuff" or something similar.

Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaand while I watched the eps, I was simultaneously chatting in the persona of Serenity Wheeler a la Domino Effect with my/her twin brother, Joey.  Whoa; voluntary split-personality time, very much so... and I enjoyed it freakin' ENORMOUSLY.  Funny thing; the character's precisely half my age, short and redheaded; somehow that makes it really, really easy to fall into her mindset.  Maybe because I remember very clearly being that/then?  Dunno; but this was... just great; just great.  Got stuff to write on today as well.  And it's a funny thing, but getting going on the DE stuff has sort of cleared my head-- my other writing, the Detective Conan and Danny Phantom and Magic Kaitou stuff-- the blocks I had on it seem to be shifting away; I worked on a print-edit of the current chapter of Windfall, and now all I have to do is tidy up the ending, put in the changes, and maybe I'll actually post the damned thing today.  Woke up thinking about Shuffle, too.  ^___^

House-cleaning day; I have so much shit laying around, and if I don't do laundry I'm gonna be going to work next week in the nude, which would be a fashion-statement which I would not prefer to advance.  Therefore, laundry.  And groceries.  And writing, yeah!

Oh, and I talked to Rondi the other day; she's coming out for Thanksgiving!  And, uh...... am thinking about future trips to places I haven't been to.  Like Japan.  Or New York.  Or the Keys.  Or other stuff; activities I haven't done, cruises and working-vacations.  Air-fare can be amazingly cheap if you buy it in advance...

Okay, must go feed the ferrets and let the cats back in.  Yesterday all three of my house!weasles got into my tent-stake bag from camping (I had put some stuff into their room for them to play with that I though would smell interesting, so it's my own fault) and rubbed their faces and bodies in the rust-dust that coated the inside of the bag...  I hadn't even considered that there'd be so much from the metal stakes, but JEEZE there was, and all three of 'em were just........ brownish-black, right up to their little pink noses.  So I had to bathe 'em.  They didn't like it, and neither did I.  :P  Oh well.......

domino effect, furpersons, fangirling

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